I would say Viv is right.
Why have them together, anyway? As I said earlier, haters gonna hate, but sometimes haters make good points :P you CAN keep them together, but really, what's so hard about keeping them seperate?
I get you. :)
To my knowledge both are perfectly safe.
If I remember correctly, hibiscus are very difficult to keep alive indoors. So I'm not sure what exactly you plan to do with it, but outside enclosure use for these plants is best:)
I'd say avoid it even still, but it is also a fact that if you have the correct humidity, lighting, heat, supplements, etc. (And I mean 95% PERFECT or better) then your cham can fight off impaction from dirt, etc. and will have no problem. But that's hard to do.
Save yourself the time in the...
That size enclosure is great for a cham. The normal recommended size is 24x24x48 minimally, and the bigger the better :)
The hydroballs and dirt is a bad idea unless you can cover it up so your chameleon does not accidentally eat it. They can get impacted and that's a tough one to fix. The best...
I wouldn't worry. It's very rare that you'll see your cham drinking. I've only seen Peter drink once and never seen Ender do it. So long as you have the white part of the poop, no problemo.
Great info! I may have more males on the way than I thought... thanks :)
Does anyone know if glow spot roaches can be kept with dubias? They're kept the same way, so I would imagine so. Just want to make sure first:)
Yeah, I never feed my adults, but my girlfriend didn't realize she'd be killing off my colony of 2000 roaches (which is now 800) by feeding them off. It wasn't until I asked her if she'd been feeding adults off that she told me.
I'm pretty upset about it, I just want to know if the 2 males I...
Pics would be helpful to be able to tell if she's gravid. But to my knowledge, if she's eating, she should be pooping regardless of having babies or not.