Yeah..........I miss him so much....I just watch his series yesterday about Madagascar...he was bitten by Panther several funny also...he was feeding a female Parson!! He is my HERO
Q1) Here is a link for the cricket food recipe
Q2) Never have a beardie i am not sure
Q3)Also....depends on the size of the chameleon.... the basic rule is that the length of the cricket never exceed the width of the mouth of your chameleon
erm.........I started 100 mix sizes Dubias roaches from mulberryfarms....and let them breed. They are not smelly compared to cricket, they don't jump, they don't make sound.... A+ feeder. There is a place selling 500 mix sizes Dubias for $110 shipped (good amount to start a colony, dubias...
I posted a thread on a necropsy of my female panther before...LOL!! Sometimes when a chameleon die of no apparent reason, necropsy is the best way to find the problems.
Sound like upper respiratory infection to me too.... also is too cold for a veiled; basking temperature preferred 95+. Does you chameleon sound like she is having asthma attack? Get her to a vet ASAP!
I will add some of my experience in this thread too.
I started with my first Male Veiled Chameleon around December 2004. Now I ended up with 9 adults and 6 subadults (Panther and Veiled). It is a very addicting hobby. At first I was thinking of making money out of them. However, it is almost...
I know people are going to have tons of opinion after what I am going to write on this thread:
Oorona Mena to me looks like a Nosy Be!
Nosy Mitsio has more individual...
I am feeding them about 1000+ Fruits flies/day (44 babies)... now they grow larger...need more food...HOLY COW...they are like Cricket and Fruits Flies Terminator...:D