I am looking for a large live ficus tree to go in a 24x24x48" cage. I am in Gwinnett County GA and haven't been able to find any the right size.
So if you are near me and have one or know where I can find one please let me know.
Just an FYI They grow big very fast. I remember the first time I got some and fed a few off to some babies the first day. Two days later my adult veiled was the only one big enough to eat them. It was wild how quick they grew
If you are going to the one here in Lawrenceville. Georgia/Premium cricket
had Dubia, hornworms, super worms, phoenix worms and more.
I deal with them all the time and they always have high quality bugs.
I got a bunch of feeders at the show today
I am looking for some producing fruit fly colonys. Drosophila hydei are what i prefer. I am hoping to find someone local to Gwinnett county GA. I need food for 6 very hungry baby chameleons.
So if you have anything I could use and are local please let me know
The babys are resting in their new home;) A big thank you to Jeff!
Luckily I was planning on getting a baby panther at the end of january. I had a new DIY cage, Lights from LYR, New Rain dome and plants ready to go.
I will post some pics of the babys this weekend.
I get mine from premium aka georgia crickets. They have a place in Winder GA and one in I think in alabama. I always get healthy feeders from the winder location. I have been to the winder location and always got great service.
If you got him at the july show in atlanta, I have his brother. Mine is in a 24x24x48 cage with a live ficus and a live umbrella plant. I also have various vines and dowels for climbing. I use a aquazamp rain dome misting system.I have a lightyourreptile light fixture with a 12% arcadia bulb and...
The ones here do. They have all kinds of supplies. Also the local insect farms are usually there with crickets, etc... I
m heading to the repticon show in the morning.
I was looking at lights at lightyourreptiles. They now have quad T5 fixtures. I am thinking about getting my 2nd cham and was wondering if it would benefit from the extra light or not.