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  1. pwerfulyifu

    Attaching branches to cages

    i use duct tape on them in the corners. cut it into little strips and tape it multiple times to the sides. try to use branches that angle on the ends so they are easier to tape if you know what im trying to say. you can also use those bending metal wires. that's all i can really think of. i take...
  2. pwerfulyifu

    Non reptile people just don't understand

    i bought roaches recently and i just tell my family they're beetles.
  3. pwerfulyifu


    is it completely necessary to offer your cham fruits or veggies? will they still be just as healthy if they only ate gutloaded, correctly powdered insects?
  4. pwerfulyifu

    Chameleon vs. Anole

    arent you not supposed to feed chams things other than insects and occasionally veggies and fruits? i mean they're called insectavores for a reason right. not insectoreptivore...i dunno i dont like it when ppl feed their chams other reptiles or pinkies.
  5. pwerfulyifu

    Possibility of Adopting a Fourth...

    thanks Hoj. i already got ideas on drainage. its more like my wallet needs a break
  6. pwerfulyifu

    Possibility of Adopting a Fourth...

    i guess im just having problems with drainage. i built my cage so the bottom is solid...and now i have to use a large towel plus 2 large tupperwares for drainage. and every day before bedtime i have to go my mini forest to force the tupperwares out and dump the water...such a pain. i put my cage...
  7. pwerfulyifu

    Possibility of Adopting a Fourth...

    dang 4 chams? i can barely get by the day with just one. how do you guys manage? im guessing everything is automated with timers?
  8. pwerfulyifu

    Namaqua Cameleon

    lol that's too bad. i was hoping it'd be like a beardie with rotating eyes and a curly tail. but i saw some pictures and they cross that desert like a BOSS! no lies
  9. pwerfulyifu

    Namaqua Cameleon

    just curious that's all. it would be nice to have something rare. i already have a veiled. panthers are (in my opinion) wayyyyy over rated. not tryna bash on the community but i see so many people with panthers so i got bored of them :p
  10. pwerfulyifu

    Namaqua Cameleon

    does anyone know if you can get one of these? they're the desert chams that dont need humidity. look at him crossing that desert like a boss
  11. pwerfulyifu

    dino chameleon

    has anyone ever wondered what chameleons used to be like? they call them Chamaeleo caroliquarti. there is basically no information on them like you would of a t-rex or a raptor. i wonder how big it was. maybe it was like a giant raptor that'll lick you up if you're not careful. said to be from...
  12. pwerfulyifu

    new cage

    yo i was thinking. if i used plexiglass on the side and back and only leave the front door, top and bottom, mesh, would that be enough vent?
  13. pwerfulyifu

    Pet Store Experience

    would this place happen to be called east bay vivarium?
  14. pwerfulyifu

    Want to get another reptile

    if you're stuck between a beardie and a python i say go with the beardie. after all they share the same food so i guess that decreases the amount of work. plus a beardie cant strangle your child so that's not to worry. i take it you rather have the lovely smooth patterns of a snake than spikes...
  15. pwerfulyifu

    8 week old jacksons asleep 2 hours before lights down

    young ones tend to sleep earlier as they use alot of energy during the day time. i.e alot of moving around and eating. so it should be fine. but im not an expert on the babies so maybe other experienced members can fill you in better.
  16. pwerfulyifu


    got pics? my veiled just started shedding today too :D
  17. pwerfulyifu

    Bagheera Shedding

    interesting. however mine looked like he was gonna shed for over two weeks. and only the head part. and even now only the head looks pale-ish and started to break off and the rest of the body looks...normal. :confused:
  18. pwerfulyifu

    Veiled Chameleon care...?

    i wanna say something mean in his comments but i know i shouldnt. god his stoner voice is killing me. not that i have anything against stoners but that voice :mad:
  19. pwerfulyifu

    Bagheera Shedding

    wow!! looks great. mine just broke out a tiny piece of skin on his head as he is starting to shed as well. how long did the overall process take for yours? like from the day when he looks a bit pale to finish?
  20. pwerfulyifu

    They see me rollin...

    dont sulcata's need a burrow place? i read they like to burrow on the really hot days. like more than 5 feet deep.
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