From what I've read and also had backed up on video data is that Chameleon's will only absorb as much UVB as needed and that's it. What the Chameleon absorbs can actually stay in the system from 48-72 hours so you shouldn't have to worry about over UVB exposure but I could be wrong. I don't...
LOL, how well does that work out for you Brad. Do you get like the preferred customer rate or something for being a frequent customer at the recycling center?
Less colorful or not, that is still one the most awesome Cham's I've ever seen. I wouldn't pass up the chance to own one of those at all. I think Nico has a good point. Put a few of those up on the market and they would definitely be gone quick. We have proof right here of interest.
I love the first picture. It looks like he's looking behind him thinking, what the hell is going on here, why is everything so wet? And he's almost smiling at you in the 4th pic. lol Looks great Nico!!
Right now I'm a Pre-Press manager for a newspaper company in Central California doing technical junk on a computer all day long and in my free time I'm a commercial pilot working on my certified flight instructors license.
This is what I'll probably more than likely use for gut load when I get my Cham. has all the good stuff a good gut load needs for Crickets, roaches, worms....
Well it's not as simple as teaching a dog to roll over or sit but just take a cricket hold it between your fingers in front of him/her and if they so desire they will eat it. If it doesn't work the first time just keep trying and trying until eventually the Cham eats from your hand.
She looks amazing Calavera. I love the color variation she has, especially at 4 months. Congratz. The picture of her eating the cricket looks really cool.
This is the most common one I have seen as a feeder roach.
As for the size for a baby I would start with 1/8"-1/4" and move up from there depending on the age of the Cham. The trick is you don't want to...
I totally agree with dodolah on that. For babies definitely not the best as a staple feeder. More of a once or twice a week meal, if that. Babies do need the best nutrition. Crickets, silkworms and roaches are prob the best with a good gut load added to them.
Yeah you definitely want to mix up the feeders that you feed your Cham. I love certain foods to death but If I had to eat 1 every day for 3 meals a day I would probably go insane. Ever Cham is different though, your Cham may on the 883 Cricket decide he's had enough of that and might just stop...