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  1. holmesese

    Chameleon wears emotions on skin

    Unfortunately I think that is the full article. The university of GA has been running articles about students interesting pets in their university paper. I am a graduate student at UGA and my office mates have to listen to me talk about my chameleon and other reptiles day in and day out. When...
  2. holmesese

    Chameleon wears emotions on skin

    Hey that's me!! I don't post on here much... I MUST elaborate on the interview that got that article published...... The reporter misinterpreted a few things.... First off, she was scared to death of crickets! I had to show her speed of the tongue, but since I was holding a live cricket she was...
  3. holmesese

    Has this ever happened to you...

    I recieved some geckos once that were labeled "THIS SIDE UP" and as I was signing for the package the UPS lady was flipping the box end over end as she was telling me where to sign. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. holmesese

    Feeding Schedule: The First Year

    I would agree with limiting the amount of available food items. My experience with feeding young chameleons is limited, but overfeeding with other reptiles (mainly snakes) results in big problems. Milksnakes for example are aggressive feeders and will eat almost anytime a food item is offered...
  5. holmesese

    Yellow mouth?

    I think that is just the color of the inside of their mouth. I was a little startled the first time my panther hissed at me as well!
  6. holmesese


    Whenever I am worried about an inspection I just lock the dog up in the reptile room (the chams have blankets over their cage) and put a sign on the door that says "MEAN DOG INSIDE." No one has ever opened the door! I don't know if you have a dog or not, but that worked for me.
  7. holmesese

    Compact Flourescent Bulb-just curious

    That was a great article, thanks! That was much more proof than I was hoping for. I was more interested in the question of why they cause the problems rather that if they are good to use - and that article definitely explained it.
  8. holmesese

    Compact Flourescent Bulb-just curious

    Not to be rude, but I just wanted to know if anyone has actually had problems. I don't used them or condone the use of them, but I want to know some FACTS. Not just opinions on whether or not they cause problems. If you have don't have an answer to the question or it offends you please disregard...
  9. holmesese

    Compact Flourescent Bulb-just curious

    I have heard time and time again that compact flourescent bulbs are bad for chameleon's eyes and they shouldn't be used. In the past I have used compact flourescent bulbs with other reptiles with no issues and also for chameleons for periods of under 6 months - with no issues. I don't use them...
  10. holmesese

    cocking to seal enclosure?

    Caulking? Caulking ?
  11. holmesese

    Much Profit In Breeding?

    If you want to make money you are also going to have to run your hobby like a business. I keep a separate "reptile" checking account so I keep an eye on just how much I spend on new animals, food, lights, upkeep, feeding the food etc. It keeps the spending a little more frugal, I have been...
  12. holmesese

    Much Profit In Breeding?

    Care of my animals, makes it difficult for me to make money... To get enough animals to make a profit takes too much time in care....If I get off work at 5 every day and get home by 5:30 I have to spend at least an hour to an hour and a half general animal maintinence, so it is 7:00 before I eat...
  13. holmesese

    Ficus: Harming Chameleon's Eyes?

    I think I will continue to use it.... seems to not have been a problem for anyone else
  14. holmesese

    Ficus: Harming Chameleon's Eyes?

    My wife told me the other day that she read several articles about chameleons that listed that ficus was bad for them because it could cause eye infections ( I have a ficus plant for my chameleon and have had no troubles. Has anyone here had...
  15. holmesese

    Glass Tank??

    When housing young chameleons in glass or plastic I have had to be very careful in situating the lighting because of reflection issues. One vieled could see itself in the glass, and would also see the reflections of crickets in the glass. It made for a very stressful situation, so I had to...
  16. holmesese

    Finally, Pics of My New Enclosure

    The suspended feeder cup is a good idea. I have learned from past experience that it is better to use a cup that isn't see thru though! My first little veiled yanked himself right off of a branch when he tried to hit a cricket that he could see through the clear container! I felt like a real jerk.
  17. holmesese

    Reptile Show Frequency?

    By the way just click on Events or upcoming events on and they will tell you pretty much every reptile show in the US.
  18. holmesese

    Reptile Show Frequency?

    I usually check for reptile shows in any area. They generally have them all and links to their respective web pages. I have been to monthly shows in Kentucky and a few in Georgia. FL Chams usually comes to the georgia shows, but only bring the cool stuff upon request.
  19. holmesese

    Repti Glo 5.0

    Has anyone ever used the repti glo 5.0 with success in chameleons? I have the compact version, but what is the difference between it and Zoo-med's repti-sun 5.0?
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