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  1. JoshCrane1

    It's cold, how do I keep my cham warm?

    sounds pretty good, as long as the night time temps dont get below 55-60. im thinking about making some chameleon sweaters.
  2. JoshCrane1

    BBBBRRRRRRrr!!!!!!!Cold-in FL!

    pretty chilly down here too, thinking bout stepping up my basking wattage for the next few days, my cages are inside my apart. so the night lows wont get as bad as you outsiders.
  3. JoshCrane1

    hiding places

    never comes down? whats that mean? adding more plants is the easiest way.
  4. JoshCrane1

    Are Daddy Long Legs okay for Gizmo read this
  5. JoshCrane1

    Are Daddy Long Legs okay for Gizmo

    i knew that was coming, thanks for the nightmares tonight macro.
  6. JoshCrane1

    Are Daddy Long Legs okay for Gizmo

    i think it would be hard to confuse the two but here's an interesting article about the longlegs venomous MYTH.
  7. JoshCrane1

    Are Daddy Long Legs okay for Gizmo

  8. JoshCrane1

    Are Daddy Long Legs okay for Gizmo

    those freakin spiders creep me out.....only if i could find a girl with legs that
  9. JoshCrane1

    Silkworm Chow

    water is all you need, carefull to not use too much water or the chow will become runny, and hence the poo of the silkies will be runny and nasty; no fun cleaning that crap up.
  10. JoshCrane1

    Shhh.. don't wake them up. Sleeping pics

    i was wondering the same, <---singing purple haze by jimmy hendrix in my head.
  11. JoshCrane1

    What do you think?

    SHE def. got eggs, i would say between 50-70 eggs, my female laid 55 eggs and she was a tad smaller.
  12. JoshCrane1

    New Arrangement

    dang!! i knew it was a 50/50 shot between flchams and owell.
  13. JoshCrane1


    IF they are coming from your soil then add rocks to the bottom of pot and top layer of soil for better drainage, should work.
  14. JoshCrane1

    New Arrangement

    looks like the 24x24x48" cage. i have the same.
  15. JoshCrane1


    GOTTA find out the source first. maybe soil or poo?
  16. JoshCrane1

    New Arrangement

    hmm... cooking eggs makes me hungry.
  17. JoshCrane1

    cage setup

    need: pure calcium powder w/d3 pure calcium powder without d3 herptivite or reptivite (t-rex can be used occasionally)
  18. JoshCrane1

    New hornworm chow??

    try mulberry leaves yet?
  19. JoshCrane1

    Sneak Peek: HerpMist Midnight Special Nozzles

    uh oh, jason busted out the spraypaint!!! lol
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