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  1. Cameochams

    Some New Nosy Blood...Sweet pics!!!

    I want one :)
  2. Cameochams

    I was wondering...

    Usually mine get fired up when you put another male in front of them. Or the easy way put a female in front.
  3. Cameochams

    My panther (tamatave?)

    Picture perfect tamative :)
  4. Cameochams

    Check Out This Ambilobe

    Sorry He is worth more then $400.00
  5. Cameochams

    Check Out This Ambilobe

    $580.00 Shipped firm deal He is still available
  6. Cameochams

    Zillas new Custom Cage

    Great Job. I would buy one. :)
  7. Cameochams

    Check Out This Ambilobe

    He is now $600.00 shipped. !!!
  8. Cameochams

    Female in egg laying hole for a while now...

    She can take hours in the whole. My female red body blue bar ambilobe was in the whole for about a day. You just have to wait until she comes out and covers the whole. Thats when you know she is done.
  9. Cameochams

    Sambava males...the most colorful you have ever seen at this age!!!

    Once I sell my Red bar Ambilobe, I will look into buying one of your male Sambavas. Because my Male Sambava breeder is getting really old.
  10. Cameochams

    New pics of my 3 panthers

    Amazing looking chams. Great Job :D
  11. Cameochams

    Red-bar Ambilobe male 1yr FOR SALE

    Take him home for $650.00 shipped !!!!
  12. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Thanks Davider. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.
  13. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Dont listen to Will. Hes a bitter guy. He thinks he knows everything about everything, lol I think people tend to ignore his comments. People send me pm's all the time about him. Will sorry but Sometimes you tend to say harmful things. I dont really care what you say it just goes in one ear and...
  14. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Michael I think your pictures are amazing. My gf and I cant stop looking at the pictures. We hope to take pictures of little hatchlings. :)
  15. Cameochams

    Chameleon tattoo

    Wow who was the tatoo artist who did that. my gf has a tatoo of a cham on her foot. I want to get one on my left shoulder. Its probably going to be of charmeleon. Thats a sick tatoo. Thanks for sharing that picture:)
  16. Cameochams

    Panther Love

    Nice pictures
  17. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Thats great to hear.Yeah the first clutch is always the nerve racking ones. I'm sure they will all hatch and come out healthy. As for us we are both doing great. Working on some new projects. We are in the works of getting more females for our males. But other then that life is good. :)
  18. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Cain How have you been ? How are all your chams doing ?
  19. Cameochams

    Chameleon Photoshoot

    Yeah its been about 2 weeks. :) I wasn't to sure did you want to buy a female or a male ? Eggs are looking great. Now its just a waiting game. You will be the first to know.:) Thanks for looking at the pics.:D
  20. Cameochams

    Check Out This Ambilobe

    He is still for sale. Take him home for $650.00 shipped
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