She can take hours in the whole. My female red body blue bar ambilobe
was in the whole for about a day. You just have to wait until she comes out and covers the whole. Thats when you know she is done.
Dont listen to Will. Hes a bitter guy. He thinks he knows everything about everything, lol I think people tend to ignore his comments. People send me pm's all the time about him. Will sorry but Sometimes you tend to say harmful things. I dont really care what you say it just goes in one ear and...
Wow who was the tatoo artist who did that.
my gf has a tatoo of a cham on her foot.
I want to get one on my left shoulder. Its probably going to be of charmeleon.
Thats a sick tatoo. Thanks for sharing that picture:)
Thats great to hear.Yeah the first clutch is always the nerve racking ones. I'm sure they will all hatch and come out healthy. As for us we are both doing great. Working on some new projects.
We are in the works of getting more females for our males. But other then that life is good. :)
Yeah its been about 2 weeks. :)
I wasn't to sure did you want to buy a female or a male ?
Eggs are looking great. Now its just a waiting game. You will be the first to know.:)
Thanks for looking at the pics.:D