Oh my Jann,,, I have been hoping that Lottie would lay on her own way befor this!!!!!
Lottie, you silly little girl,,, would you just go ahead and lay those infertile eggs and quit worrying your mamma!!!!
Sending prayers your way hoping that you wake up to a bin the of eggs in the morning!!!!!
Oh my gosh Dez...
I'm excited that you have gotten some of them back!!! I'm hoping the others will be recovered also!!!
I bet that person knows more!! I don't care that they claim to have found them on the trail.... They know something more as to the whereabouts of the others, names, phone...
I also agree this is a good idea! Gets info out to the general public..People not on FB or CF.. but may very well have noticed "suspicious" activity "next door"..
Cheryl, Cheryl...... If it can be done, you will figure a way and do it!!!!!!
Any needy creature that gets lucky enough to end up in your care,,, is one super lucky animal!!!!!!
Thank you for what you do,, and I bet you do it with a smile on your face!!! ;-)
Ha! My connection is from the cafeteria at the hospital where I work.... If i dont take them, they just throw them away.... Works out for me... Though they're always agast that I need them for my roaches and crickets!! ;-)
I wouldn't worry too much... When my guys shed they get grumpy and aren't very interested in eating... A normal occurance as far as I can tell. Just give him time he'll be back at it soon.
All of the great grands are sooo gorgeous and special!!!! I love seeing their pics and hearing about them!!!! Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us!!!!
Well,,, I personally have no female Cham experience.... But being a female and reading a lot.... I'd go with the black one.. 14"x10"x15"... More footprint at the surface for "nesting"... ;-)
I agree,, warm sunshine especially combined with a warm shower usually "produces"!
He is a "secret drinker" so it's super hard to monitor how much he actually consumes.. I've been offering him strawberry slices pretty much daily, to help to add to his fluid intake...
I'll either take a...
He hasn't been going as often as I'd like to see him go but my 2 other guys aren't either... They don't seem to be crazy about going in their cages... I took everyone out a couple of days ago in the sunlight and they all three went..
Thank you both for the vet advice,,, I guess it's time to...
Ok, I haven't had to ask about this subject for years but my Stanley is aging and I just want to make sure I know what is what... I've never had an issue figuring out " what was what" but " which is which" now???
I recognize the poop,,,, but the yellow and the white are confusing me.. Is it all...