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  1. MWheelock

    Dubia for sale

    Hey Y'all, Starting to get overrun again. I have at least 8 or 9 shipment. Mixed Large nymphs and adults $22 plus shipping for 50. Medium to small nymphs $22 plus shipping for 75. I usually send an extra 10% to make sure there are no issue with DOA's decreasing the shipping count...
  2. MWheelock

    injection methods please

    Ask your veterinarian if he is okay with you giving the ceftazadime SQ or IC. This drug can be given many ways fairly safely with (I believe) the same effectiveness. IM injections seem to be a little more painful (in my opinion) and if you can do something else, it may be better. Good...
  3. MWheelock


    I like to use dry rice babyfood mixed with bran cereal. Then I use carrot or sweetpotato for moisture. I find that they do pretty well in this mixture. I have also heard of people using chicken egg-laying (good source of Vit A) feed as the dry and apples or sweet potatoes. (Trick the vet at...
  4. MWheelock

    Cause of Death

    Not to be heartless, but if you were able to do a necropsy (like our autopsy) you could see if there is an insect stuck in the throat or occluding the airway. You'd also be able to look at the intestines to see if something got stuck or if there were parasites or worms in the intestines. If...
  5. MWheelock

    Blood in her droppings.

    Hey, I'd give your vet a call and ask. (Professional courtesy dictates that since I have not seen the animal, it would be wrong of me to change treatment.) As I had said before, though, injectible baytril can be given by mouth and maybe less stressful. Your vet may have a reason to...
  6. MWheelock

    Blood in her droppings.

    Hey y'all, Sorry I'm late to the conversation. Y'all are always welcome to PM me. I don't always have time to scan forum stuff, especially since most of the time, most of you are able to give good advise on basic husbandry stuff. But if y'all have more specific issues you are always...
  7. MWheelock

    Going price for dubia roaches?

    I do have some dubia right now. However, I'm like Brad. I sell 50 medium to large nymphs/adults for $25 plus shipping. If you truly want mixed population, or only smaller nymphs to immediately feed, it might be a it would be less. If you don't have to pay shipping this usualy saves you...
  8. MWheelock

    Females not bred = Egg-binding?

    Yeah, I saw that study at Arizona State, but have not heard of anyone using this in a clinical setting. Lupron is not cheap, I wonder if the tomoxifen is more expensive. Matthew
  9. MWheelock

    Females not bred = Egg-binding?

    Not totally off the subject but I have a question. Is anyone familiar with luperon? This is an injectable hormone given to birds to stop egg production of females. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of any female chams given this therapy, which might inncrease the lifespn of the females...
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