My male panther is now 4, and he's definately slower than he used to be. I hope he lives a couple more years, but know that may not happen.
My friends veiled is much more fiesty and nearly twice the age of mine.
I have a male panther. House humidity in Winter rarely gets over 40%. He does fine with this. I just make sure he has plenty to drink and well hydrated prey.
Mine like silkworms the best - and I believe these are the best of the larva options commonly available.
Sandrachameleon> Where do you get cabbage lopers?
I like your original idea of Bonnie and Clyde
Aragorn and Arwen (lord of the rings)
Galadriel and Celeborn (lord of the rings)
Linus and Lucy (peanuts)
Pinky and Brain (pinky and the brain comic)
Elmer and Bunny (bug bunny comic)
Fred and Wilma (Flinstones)
Betty and Barney...
Oats and bran and whatever dry gut load you use for Crickets can be used as a substrate for superworms
Then add fresh fruits and veggies to give them moisture
If it werent for WC animals, None of us would have chameleons. However, I am glad there are permits and paperwork and such to stop most people from taking chameleons from their natural habitat and importing them to North America (and I assume Europe too?).
I remove poop immediately whenever I see it (he doesnt poop every day).
I do a light cleaning monthly.
I pull everything out and hose/scrub down the cage yearly in summer. Usually replace the branches with new ones too.