I was thinking the same thing. I mean the only expensive part of owning a cham is enclosure set ups and what not, after that feeders isnt that big an issue especially if u order in bulk. ;) im very sorry to here about your situation. Pssh not even two months after I got my chams I wrecked my...
Ask about urates, check all feet for cuts or missing nails, ask about medical history and check mouth for gout or any obvious health issues. sunken Eyes make sure he eats infront of u to make sure his tongue works. Other than that u should be good. Also make a vet appointment for a fecal asap...
do not bother him. just leave the cup in there and let him explore the cage himself. hell find it. dont stare and wait and wait and wait cause hell just stay hiding. my guy is the same way so i just leave him. come back afew hours later and everything is gone.
I wish I could have been apart of the old crew. Ha! Idk when this site was started but my first cham i got was when I was around 15, im 22 now, but I didnt have access to the internet so needless to say my first couple attempts at chameleon care was unsuccessful. But thanks to everyone here...
that was towards the chams that dont like showers which was the original topic of the op. my bad if it was misguided in any way. i was told this by my vet. we all already know when chams are stressed alot they are more likely to get sick right!
nothing at all will be best. i know every new owner desires to have a natural looking setup (i know i did) but for sanitation and health reasons its best to leave the bottom bare or with napkins. i would suggest doing research on here for a type of drainage system setup. u will need it. look...
personal experience speaks for itself
i thinks its more of every chams own personality. as said before, some ppls chams will do anything to get away from any type of misting and some welcome it.
like i said pls take out the subtrate. the laying bin is not nearly big enough. and stop handleing so often. give her time to adjust to her new home. set up a dripper probably but if her urates are solid white then she is good with hydration. alot of times chams will not drink infront of u...
i omly see one pic. anyways, take out the subtrate on the floor. your cham might try to eat it. (not a good thing). floor roaming is usually not a good sign. could you post better pics. maybe u need more foilage.
man im digging that bearded dragon enclosure. my guys starting to get pretty big so im gonna have to build him something soon. and your free range is saaweeet!
idk if anyone even noticed but that sure as hell looks like a spur in that last pic of his leg. its a male. pls chamelio do your reasearch man. im really worried. look up the site sponsors. they have really good cages for cheap.
hey gabbie. no need for the shower technique unless they are very ill. it only stresses them out most of the time and that makes the more likely to get sick as stress releases a chemical in their body that weakens the immune system. my veileds hates mistings too so i only mist to kick up...
awesome. thatll work. i love hornworms as feeders. they are the only thing that will get my beardie full. and they are soooooo juicy i almost want to eat em. their colors are cool too. the best way to pick em up is by the horn on their butt. they have a super strong grip and they will whip their...
order the smallest ones u can get pls i cant stress that enough. they grow super f'n fast and will get too big for your guy before you know it. put them in the fridge when your not feeding them. also idk how the forum member your buying them from sets them up but if theyre the usual cups, keep...