for the summer, i get to "work" at the aquarium for this thing called aquakids. im getting my diving license so when i get older, i can feed the sharks, but i get to teach mostly little kids about all the fish and lots of reptiles at our aquarium. cool huh
apparently, if just a little bit of the sap gets into your mouth, it can almost stop your breathing, and if you eat too much w/o knowing it can kill u.
we dont know, one day he is fine, the next day he is on the floor looking pale. and btw, thanks for the congrats about 5yrs, but there was someone on here who had hers till it died at 7.5 yrs
my 1st chameleon quazo died around a month ago at the hearty old age of 5 and 11 months, i would have told u all sooner, but i didnt think of it, here are some pics of him.