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  1. JonRich

    Dr. Manaslu son of Bokazar

    love his Yellows.
  2. JonRich

    Thamnobates 6, 7, and 8!

    Nice.They look great.. I got my Bradys in today. Just didn't get a chance to take pix b4 work
  3. JonRich

    Chameleon escape

    Where there is a will, there is a way.
  4. JonRich

    Instagram and such with chams!

    I like the way you search!!;)
  5. JonRich

    Instagram and such with chams!

    I have quite a bit of Cham material floating around the web. Most of my pix are #chameleon but I'll add #chameleonforum
  6. JonRich

    Not Impressed With Me

    Is it cold in the room you keep him in? Was he recently misted?
  7. JonRich

    little black flying in cage

    I know exactly what they are. They are gnats. They came in with your soil. This is just the beginning, there will be more. And just to clear it up you have 12 FEET of soil? Or 12 INCHES?
  8. JonRich

    Sooo, sometimes I handle and handfeed my L.williamsi geckos

    lmaooooo. Good eye Hoj. The host hand is my wife's hand, in full winter coloration ( of lack there of). The finger with the mango paste is mine. lol
  9. JonRich

    Madagascar Nosy Be Chameleons

    Awesome pix Jan.. Was the first tree a Tamarin tree?
  10. JonRich

    Sooo, sometimes I handle and handfeed my L.williamsi geckos

    Thanks. Yea, i'm still on a female hunt. Ordered a pair ( because they wouldn't sell a female along). I got 2 MALES.. I just sent them back for a refund. Super frustrating. Yea, i have been blessed with almost all my stock. Most were very people friendly. lol, don't throw it in my face...
  11. JonRich

    Female Fuego Holdbacks

    Great looking girls you got there. The first girl looks amazing. I like the purple, pinks and blues in her shoulder and cheek.
  12. JonRich

    Love in he air

    bow chika wowww wowww
  13. JonRich

    One Day!

    Its an ExoTerra. Looks to be a 18"x18"x24" . Which is a veryyyy nice size for a trio.
  14. JonRich

    Ta hell is this???

    There are a few "poisonous" birds. The bird takes milies or other toxic insects in it's bill and rubs it on it's feathers. They feathers then retain the toxins. The act is called "ANTING" Some other animals also do this. That would probably explain the behavior seen here...
  15. JonRich

    One Day!

    Looks good. You could get some more branchy material in there. That Pothos will fill in nice. Post pix once they come in. What size tank is that?
  16. JonRich

    Sooo, sometimes I handle and handfeed my L.williamsi geckos

    I got a small group of these guys from Laurie about 7 or so months ago and they are amazing!!! They all turned out to be males and are just gorgeous blues . This one just seemed to be more bold from the rest and I also always hand feed him (in his cage). Well for the past month or so he started...
  17. JonRich

    The Girls Dart Frogs!!

    They are not sexed. Still frogletts . I would say they are 3/4" long.
  18. JonRich

    Question on color and patterns.

    Yes, those are typical "fired up/defensive /stressed" colors for a Veiled . She is still young. Just wait till you discover her gravid colors.
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