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  1. Anilr16

    Sexing Chamaeleo bitaeniatus?

    Honestly have no clue. But Rudis are fairly easy to sex, but side stripes are all gray and stuff lol. Never seen one in person.:p
  2. Anilr16

    Who here likes.....

    Dragonforce?!?!?!?! I love em!
  3. Anilr16

    Does anybody know this picture ?

    A cameroon two horned chameleon?
  4. Anilr16

    Does anybody know this picture ?

    Agree with Syn.
  5. Anilr16

    Pinhead crickets

    Everyone!!!!!! Save on shipping! This guy does any size of crickets including pinheads:D So cheappppppp...
  6. Anilr16

    Your Chameleon Experience?

    Only a year, and im constantly researching as much as I can and more. I hope I keep this love for these creatures. My first favorite reptile was a turtle, preferably the Florida softshell, but when I saw a veiled chameleon for the first time at a reptile show it became obvious. Chameleons were...
  7. Anilr16

    Jackson chameleon pregnant & not eating

    Keep her hydrated. My gravid Rudis I had last November(who died before birth:( )didnt eat for like the last month and a half. I assume she was close to giving birth because she would start to forage around her cage alot, bask upside down etc. Just keep offering food from time to time and keep...
  8. Anilr16

    Hey Josh! The Deremensis Arrived...

    How much we talkin about
  9. Anilr16

    Hey Josh! The Deremensis Arrived...

    Okay, I cant stop looking at the little guy!!!! He's making me jealous lol. I want him! His shape is just so good!!!!!!
  10. Anilr16

    Hey Josh! The Deremensis Arrived...

    Lmao Brye. Oops. I got confused. My mind got thrown off when he stated his panther layed eggs lol. So the term "she" got stuck in my head haha.
  11. Anilr16

    Hey Josh! The Deremensis Arrived...

    Wow!!!!!!!! What a beauty. She looks healthy. Youd make some great babies:)
  12. Anilr16

    New Rudis mom and babies.

    Lol, I wasnt scolding you for it, its just that I was letting you know how ARROGANT some people here can be.
  13. Anilr16


    That guy must pack the best bowls;) hahahaha I get greens!!!
  14. Anilr16

    New Rudis mom and babies.

    Yeah. You cant go on with the word Rudis. Thats a slap on the wrist here in this forum to the "Senior" members. Whatever that is now lol. Its Sternfeldi. C'mon, even a junior knew that XD
  15. Anilr16

    New Rudis mom and babies.

    Tod, I was aware of all that you re stated. I was simply sharing info of my current knowledge.
  16. Anilr16

    New Rudis mom and babies.

    Oh yeah, I also see the female I think? In the first pic on the top left, seperate her from those babies to prevent accidental eatings! FF's are good, but use pinhead crickets also for better nutrition. Gutload those suckers!!!!!!!!:D
  17. Anilr16

    New Rudis mom and babies.

    "Neonate(s)" is the word your lookin for Aja. Its the term for baby Chameleons :D And yes I agree about keeping them in smaller enclosures, I keep baby Rudis. They were captive born here in my apartment. about 3 weeks old. Sunday will make 4. That enclosure you have there is very excellent...
  18. Anilr16

    Need info on werners chams

    I have to agree lol
  19. Anilr16

    Luie & Camille mated today

    Wowzerssss!! Great colored Veilds!!! Im pretty sure the babies will be stunning. But here's a question. I heard Veilds give birth to upto 50 babies...and even MORE. How do you manage to care for ALL THOSE BABIES?!?! lol. It just seems like too much work. So much babies. Where would you keep...
  20. Anilr16


    Yeah, my Rudis babies tend to do that. Im pretty sure their just exploring their enclosure lol. It must seem like a mansion to them considering their so small lol. Funny little things. This is why I love Chameleons. Their so different from other baby reptiles. So wonderous and curious. There...
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