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  1. Leroux2008

    My new cage

    Nice! I bet they enjoy that. When I switched Mr.Chameleon to his taller cage he was ecstatic!
  2. Leroux2008

    New Female Veiled

    Aw shes def cute!!
  3. Leroux2008

    Non-chameleon Related photography- Amazing

    I knew I wasnt going nuts XD thank you for classifing that =p Who is that person that takes all those pics?
  4. Leroux2008

    Non-chameleon Related photography- Amazing

    lol I've been spending more time with my cousin! It was her birthday on the 1st andI havn't seen her for a while so I spent a couple days with her. I did get on a couple times before that but was lurking =p
  5. Leroux2008

    Punkin's receptive colors!!!!

    awww I love her pinks!
  6. Leroux2008

    Non-chameleon Related photography- Amazing

    ahah Just me being a bad speller. I swear! When I was in school I was great at spelling.... ever since I've graduated... my skills have drastically deminished. I don't read as much as I used too. =[ hmm Columbia... Colombia.... I could of sworn I've heard of Columbia from somewheres XD...
  7. Leroux2008


    Ur amazing. =]
  8. Leroux2008

    Non-chameleon Related photography- Amazing

    The Larvae thing was really neat
  9. Leroux2008

    Non-chameleon Related photography- Amazing

    Actually I never hear much of Columbia =p So I def wouldnt catergorize u that way. It's the same way with here though... Im from Louisiana... and people assume most people around here are hillbillys and live in the swamps 0.0 lol. Anyways these pictures are gorgeous!!
  10. Leroux2008

    Help! eye infection

    O thats great news to hear that hes doing better! The pictures were very worrying.
  11. Leroux2008


    lol im not sure if theyd be able to get in there... I have these plastic bins thaht u pull out.... though.... they did escape the plastic containre I had them in 0.0 there was tiny tiny air holes... which... im almost positve if they escaped thats how -_- I would of thought though by now I...
  12. Leroux2008

    Pre night time pics.

    I love the orange ones colors. Beautiful
  13. Leroux2008

    Baby Brevs finally hatched!!

    They are so cute! I love looking a little pygmys. Poor little guy =[[ I wouldnt be able to watch my baby getting eaten.
  14. Leroux2008

    The Amazing Mister Twister and Simon...and 2 of Clown

    I always did love Mr.Twister and clowns colors <3
  15. Leroux2008

    Large bruise suddenly appeared...weird "scratching side" action?

    Maybe his skin is really dry right there and hes scratching at it because his skin could be irritating him...and the scratching cause the bruise? Im not exactly sure...
  16. Leroux2008


    lol I know u were suzi XD Im just sad =[[[ I been wanting them to hatch XD finally did and it took me forever to get them out of that screen thing. No no luck yet =[ I relooked in the baby cricket container to see if I could find maybe some body parts...none. Ive been looking by my...
  17. Leroux2008

    Praying Mantis Babies

    I bought an egg case... took me a couple weeks for mine to come out... they came out yesterday... I moved them too another bin I keep my baby pinhead crickets so theyed have food..... but I look today for tehm... and there nowheres to be found 0.0 I think they might have escaped.... or all...
  18. Leroux2008


    hahahaha XD suzi that was funny... XD but they did have little bitty small crickets to munch on =[[ Im hoping they just escaped in my room and didnt devour each other =[[[ I did provide lots of hiding spots just didnt seperate them.
  19. Leroux2008

    Fruit fly question

    Never tried them yet =[ Seems like it would take MANY to fill up my Chameleons.
  20. Leroux2008

    what plant?

    I think the hibiscus are pretty but they require alot of light to thrive.
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