@ hoj wow Ima have to check that out!!! I really want a nice camera =[ I love taking pictures just not as fun with a crappy zoom option... I got mad one day and just stored it away and started using my camera phone...which also does no justice XD.
Id def go for it. It's not as difficult as you think. Before you make a decision though I would do like reptoman said and read some of the forums about laying bins and gravid females
lol ace... I need money too XD I do need a new camera =[ This one makes me mad.... I wonder though... if I could just replace the lens thing on it and the zoom will better? prolly not... >>
I googled and got pictures of a Canon My camera looks similar to that one.... sadly only has 10x zoom but the zoom doesnt work right anymore... Idk if its because I messed with a setting and dont know what to do to fix it.... it just sucks =[
haha @David well not just the ambulances but the tumbling wildly and bumping heads and crap XD
Heck if I would know! I asked and was told its because we make petroleum... then I asked don't others? XD XD
<3 I hope one day I can my camera to actually start working right XD I have a fujifilm and for osme reason it doesnt work how it used too.... everytime I go to zoom in it wont focus.... it annoys me