New Veiled Chameleon

If you are serious about raising him I would do some reading in the enclosures forum for the right setup to keep your little guy healthy. The setup you have is not going to be very good for him at all. I know the pet store pushes those on people who buy baby veiled as they did it to me too.

I am in the process of building my third enclosure to make sure I have enough room and the correct setup for my chameleon. Do your research and get him into a screen enclosure when you have the time/money. As for crickets, I agree with previous comments. You need to be getting him 10+ a day to eat. That is about a dollar a day from PetSmart for the small crickets. Make sure you are dusting them with supplements, and ditch the night light. Chameleons don't need light at night, they need it dark to sleep.

Anyway, welcome to the forums and please keep us posted as you get your little guy on a happy and healthy path.
She seems a little bit stressed, it possibly is the glass and the size of the viv. Maybe she just wants to explore a bit now she's growing healthily She doesn't need a full sized one yet so if you can build a medium sized mesh one and hang your lights outside it, that would be cool. Get your mom to help (or at least find an adult). have enough of a variety of branches, leaves and food. She will be very happy.
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Mealworms are good but superworms are much much better. Is that her u have in ur default picture? Shes grown alot since then
From what I hear meal worms aren't very good for chameleons, they have a hard exoskeleton (skin), and not a lot of "meat". You could try small or medium sized super worms, they sorta look like meal worms but they have more "meat" and you can (and should) gut load them the same as crickets.
If you do feed her meal worms don't feed to manny. for the reasons above, and I've heard they could cause impaction (which is like constipation for a lizard but can be deadly)

Other worms you could try are, phoenix worms (also called repti worms), silk worms, butter worms and horn worms.

If you can find some place that you KNOW doesn't use pesticides you could catch wild grass hoppers, katydids etc. you might want to put them in a container and feed them a few days just to make sure they haven't eaten anything poisonous to your chameleon.
You can normally get them at any pet stores. This has been a very educational thread for me. I am going to be getting a cham soon and all this information has helped me alot. Hope your little guy does well.
here are some new pics





Andrew, you and everyone who helped you can be very proud of yourselves. It's not easy to look after a baby Chameleon. She is still so tiny and sweet so you need to be careful, but it's all looking good.
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