Just be aware that even though UVB cannot pass through the glass window, the heat will. Putting the cage nearby window will have an effect on the husbandry's overall temperature. So, adjust accordingly the wattage of the heat lamp you are using to achieve the desired temp for your chameleon
Take a picture of the chameleon and post it here.
If your temp reading is accurate. Then, then I would suspect that he's shedding. How old is he? it is not uncommon for a baby panther to have a spontaneous shed in all part of his body. The adult panther sheds in patches.
And, imho, your misting...
You absolutely can feed hornworms to a 4 month old cham.
But, make sure you tell the people selling them to give you small to medium small hornworms. Hornworms varies in size depending their age. from a .5 inch to a whopping 4 inches length.
Feed accordingly.
I am way too squirmy to deal with Turkistan Roaches. They are very fast.. eventhough they are non climbers, any dirt/ calcified water spot stick to the surface of the glass can be used as a leverage by the little ones :eek::eek:.
So, remember to use packing tape as a security. These roaches...
Just as I suspected, she has a Metabolic Bone Disorder, or she is probably a survival of the disease. This explains her stunted growth.
Chances are, she probably already have MBD while she was under the care of the pet store.
My suggestion is to put her in outside cage to giver her as much...
Here is what i know about stomatitis (mouth rot):
The vet should do a culture on that swollen lips to see what is the cause of the infection on top of cleaning the abscess.
Depending on the cause, then a specific medication (atibiotic, antifungal, or etc) will be given.
A lot of the time...
I would imagine they probably will when they have nothing else to eat.
But, I am not sure if that is enough to make them pupate.
As far as gutloading goes, I recommend adding more kinds of vegetables than just those two. Kale, collard greens, and dandelions are one of the healthiest gutload...
The male literally have a protruding genitalia part just above the anus. check the link to see where you can locate the anus and the genitalia on the pupae. :)
Areptile, can you give us a clear picture of her limbs (especially the front right arm)?
If my suspicion is correct, it will probably explain the reason why your cham's growth is stunted.
I am not sure you can in larvae stage. The male moth should have broader antennae.
The easiest way to tell is when they are in pupae stage. check this link:
You probably knew this already. but, just in case you do not know:
if you are...
Goliath worms are just another name for hornworms (manduca sexta).
BTW, you don't have to wait until your chameleons become an adult before feeding him hornworms.
You can feed the young hornworms to your chameleons. Just make sure they are size appropriate.
it's a great addition to your...
I wished I could help more in figuring out your case and FFST..
It does sounds like you and FFST have some kind of pathogen problem. But, my guess is as good as yours since i never encounter massive die out with my dubias.. Crickets, on the other hands, :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Nice pic, BTW.
I believe it's called house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata).
They mainly prey on ants, roaches, crickets, and other insects. Now.. why exactly they can be found in your house, Dave? :p
any vet should be able to do fecal screening for parasites. If not, you can always shipped the feces to the exotic vet. check this link:
are you sure they are dying? Dubia's slough off their skin and their sloughed skin is usually almost intact making the skin looked like a dead roach. The old dubias probably the one that is dying. but, the small ones most likely just sloughing off their skin. Usually, the colony would eat the...
i think it's best to have two enclosure. One is for outside and the other one for inside. Most cham owner usually start with a small cage for the baby cham. When he reached adulthood, then the owner bought a big cage. With that said, if you have a small cage now, you can simply buy a big cage...
You got that right.. I am making a generalization that California has a warm climate and forgot that some people might live in areas close to mountains instead of a desert. To clarify my point, let me retract that statement and add, unless it is snowing outside and the temperature dropped below...