Take her you your vet and have him make a decision on her treatment. I would recommend a culture but it may be skewed due to already being on an antibiotic.
I believe Todnedo is right. Because you live in pretty much the perfect climate you could nix the greenhouse. For your rare colder days you could bring them inside. To maintain a high humidity you could heavily plant the enclosure and use a mist system. I wish I had that option but I'd have...
If he's only doing it immediately under the heat lamp and everything else about him is normal then he is probably just self regulating his body temperature. If you start to see him do it in other areas of the cage have him checked by a reptile veterinarian.
I just saw this. You need immediate veterinary care for her. There's nothing that can be done for her at home that will save her if she indeed has follicular stasis or is egg bound.
I can't see them very well from the pictures. If they are raised then rule outs would include abscess, neoplasia , granulomas, trauma.
Abscess would be my first guess. The best thing is to see an experienced reptile veterinarian.
I have both lllreptile and reptibreeze. They are pretty similar except the lllreptile cage has plant holders at the top wich is nice and they sell an expansion to extend the height to 6ft.
The lllreptile cage has a lower bottom door that allows acces to the floor. The standard floor is just a...
I'm sorry to hear that. I was really pulling for her. She's one that I thought had a chance to make it. If possible, a necropsy on her might be helpful to determining her cause of death and may help your remaining one if she should fall ill. After she has settled in I'd still recommend doing...
They're both the same. 100 watt mercury vapor. No difference. Go for the cheaper one. I have the one with the bearded dragon on the box( the cheaper of the two). I've never seen the other box before. Maybe just newer packaging but regardless still the same bulb.
One other comment about fecals. One negative fecal doesn't mean there are no parasites. Sometimes it requires multiple fecals before you find a parasite ova as ova are not passed at all times.
I think she benefitted from the shower. I like your set up! But put her perch thru a plant and she will have leaves to drink off of during and after the shower.
If she were mine I'd put her in the shower, slightly warm water so it hits the wall first then sprays the plant she's on. Shower her for 20 minutes or so. Also, stay in there and monitor her. Close the bathroom door so there is a high humidity then leave her in there another 30-40 minutes after...