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  1. Roni013


    I saw him eat today!:D I guess moving just stressed him out for 2 days, I wonder though if the room temp is 80 should I still use a basking light or is this to hot?? He doesnt seem to be using his basking light as much as he used to since we moved.
  2. Roni013


    So I just moved, not far, only about 15 minutes away from my previous residence. During the move I put my carpet cham "Yoshi" on a fake plant and he was out of his enclosure for about half an hour and without a heat lamp for about 2hours. Since the move 2 days ago I havent seen him eat at all. I...
  3. Roni013

    Glass Exo-terra 18x18x24

    Sold! thnx
  4. Roni013

    Screen cage 18x18x36

    sorry for the confusion but this item is no longer available. I do have a glass enclosure for sale though!
  5. Roni013

    Glass Exo-terra 18x18x24

    Exo Terra Rainforest Terrarium Glass enclosure. Perfect for pygmies, baby chams, frogs, geckos or other reptiles. Features a 18 x 18 x 24" Full Glass Terrarium, dual Front doors for an escape free access, Unique front window ventilation, and Full metal screen for top ventilation. The Exo...
  6. Roni013

    CB Carpet Chameleons

    Let me know when you have females available!! I love my carpet, I'd have a million if I could :D
  7. Roni013

    New Arrival!

    What a handsome fellow. I bet he'll be a heartbreaker when he gets older ;)
  8. Roni013

    Going to Mulberry Farms and LLL Reptile tomrrow

    No fair! You guys are SO spoiled, you can just go down to LLL, I'm so jealous! Stupid North Cali has no cool reptile stuff! :(
  9. Roni013

    Do you dream in Chameleon?

    I had my first cham dream the other night, weird cuz I've had chams for a while. In my dream I went to check on my little carpet chameleon and he had grown in to this huge very colorful panther, he took up half his cage!! Boy he sure was pretty though :D
  10. Roni013

    Panther Passion Tour (Madagascar Jan 09)

    I would so love to go to something like this. It would be too hard not to take home chameleon souveniers though :p
  11. Roni013

    Grand Opening

    I think I might go on Sunday, I'll be sure to take some pics if I make it. It sounds SUPER Fun!
  12. Roni013

    Death of a Pygmy

    I had pygmy experts help me setup my enclosure for my pygmy girl and she only lasted 2 1/2 months, she seemed fine until the day before when I noticed her not moving around as much, then bam- dead. I love the little guys but its hard to know if they are eating, or drinking or if their growing at...
  13. Roni013

    WARNING may make you SICK

    aw! I love pygies, what clowns!
  14. Roni013

    How to Re-Pot

    How do you wash the plant roots off so well and get them out of the original dirt? I had a heck of a time doing this, half the root fell off with the soil. Is thier a trick to it?
  15. Roni013

    Carpet Chameleon Pictures

    Carpets are my favs! Very nice photos, hopefully I will become a better photographer to better capture thier true beauty.
  16. Roni013

    Fun @ Reptile Show!!

    Thanks for all the great comments! I feel really great about this find! I know I probably should have gone w/something easier but seeing CB there, and I've heard great things about Pam, it seemed like fate! I'm ready to put 110% into keeping this lil guy healthy. I've already seen him eating and...
  17. Roni013

    Fun @ Reptile Show!!

    It was the Sacramento one, Pam was the only one who had them, I almost didn't see them either. She had 2 males in a cage hidden inbetween all the panthers! It was a great find, imagine a CB carpet, and a great price! Pam is really nice. OH and hers some more photos from the show I found in my...
  18. Roni013

    Fun @ Reptile Show!!

    Ok so I just got back from my first reptile show. Wow! Snakes, lizards, geckos, frogs galore! Not so many chameleons though. I was a little dissapointed in LLL and Reptile Depot. LLL had a pregnant flapneck that looked like she was ready to lay any second, even the guy I asked about her said 'oh...
  19. Roni013

    Anyone going to the Sacramento show?

    Yay it's tomorrow! I am for sure going to the Sacramento show now! I hope if anyone else is thier I will see you! It's my first reptile show so I'm super excited. I'm wearing my "Go Green" shirt, lol, I thought it was fitting :D Hope to see some forum people there!
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