i agree. plus the tail seemed very long and very thin. there is something off about it. i cant see how it fit but then again i dont know the size of the eaten cham. just because they housed 3 together in a 18x18x24 enclosure that doesnt mean one of them were the ones eaten, it could have been a...
celery, carrot, cucumber, and roman lettuce. my fiance is a manager at a kitchen so he always brings home all sorts of veggies. this weeks special was some kind of salad lol
yeah. remove all the cardboard. use plastic things instead. and try switching up their food bc even tho they are "only bugs" they will eat things if they are lacking anything... try feeding lettuce, reg potato and some cricket feed
when someone says "oh a chameleon! hold him against this so we can see him change colors" and you secretly want to scream bloody murder at them but decide to give them a big long boring (to them) informative lecture about chameleons and how they cant just go from blue to yellow just because they...
lets put it this way. we have 6 bought cages. we are slowly building DIY cages and the bought ones are ending up in the basement one at a time.
DIY cages are (if you have the $$$ and time) so much better! you can decorate, design, and set it up EXACTLY the way you and your cham want it! you...
i can see it working. chameleons of the same size can share an enclosure if its large enough and if they are all parasite free and never really cross paths then i can see that. i use to house pet lizards and snakes together but its all about size, health, aggression, space, and habitat...
males drink nectar and females blood for laying eggs. i dont think you can become immune to them in any way and i would only feed them off in very small quantities and only to WC pets such as wild frogs and such just because if one escapes in the cage it might snack on its predator. and i...
they go away after a while. they do happen sometimes. the mister went off and started our female and she ran across the cage and hit a few things on her way so she has some bruses.
it all depends on their bloodline. like our veiled was more expensive because he came from newtons bloodline.
if you plan on making money breeding then dont. i mean. it takes a while for her to lay eggs, then they must incubate, then you must care for them and hope to god you have enough homes...
i have fed that same moth to every WC reptile pet i have ever had. as long as you feel comfortable that it hasnt been exposed to pesticides...
depends on how you work with them. i have heard that veileds are the grumpier of the chams. i kind of agree bc my panther started out grumpy but has mellowed out and our veileds are doing the opposite. then again. because he was grumpy we made it a point to handle him more and i guess we lacked...