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    Brevicaudatus Questions

    They look like a pair; the first being female and the second being male.
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    30 zoo pictures

    I thoroughly enjoyed the wild soother! ;) Great pics, morpheon!
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    Exotic Short Hair (Persian)

    I have two of these! :) they're lovely cats.
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    Our young Nosy Faly

    He's going to be a beauty :)
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    He is a Ambamja or?

    If he was sold as an Ambanja, I would have little reason to believe he was otherwise not. He really looks Ambanja.
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    Color Challenged

    Nice Senegal! Is she CB?
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    Naomi's Deremensis

    Congrats! I am so happy you were able to successfully hatch these guys out! Best of luck with raising them.
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    The SAD Reality

    It is good to hear of someone breeding these guys. I like the message you're trying to put across, and I think it's true with most species that were readily available (Uroplatus and C. parsonii comes to mind). What's sad is that I can bet of the thousands which come in annually, only a...
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    Some Brookesia pics.

    Beauties! I love Brookesia!
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    She has four stripes? Or perhaps the white spot isn't seen in females?
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    parsons ?

    In today's market you're rarely going to see an adult for less than $2500! $3000 is the going rate ;) Parsonii are awesome animals. I hope that I can someday see one in person!
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    what locality is this??

    You can't tell just by looking at it. However, I'd say he has Ambilobe in him. We can never know whether or not he's of pure locality without knowledge of his lineage.
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    chamaeleo africanus babies

    Hahaha, that's too bad!
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    Help! with B. Transvaalense breeding behavior

    Wow! They're so neat! I want some Bradys so bad :(.
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    Canadian Pricing?

    I think what you're asking is fair. The Misito local is rarely offered in the states, but prices are similar to what you're asking. Being in Canada, you might have a hard time selling female Mistios as well as male Nosy Be at that price. That's just my opinion. It's nice to see Misitos being...
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    Very nice Jackson's :)
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    Can anyone identify this lizard?

    It looks like a Chuckwalla but I'm not entirely sure.
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    Guess the mom?!

    She's pretty! Did you pick her up from Underground Reptiles? I saw they had some dilepis advertised on KS.
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    Now i know where Heaven is!!

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    Guess the mom?!

    I think it's Chamaeleo dilepis as well.
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