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  1. xanthoman

    RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

    havent watched the vids but it all sounds like good advice to me. jmo
  2. xanthoman

    RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

    i highly doubt that extreme oversupplementation and improper lighting are the 2 most important things in any chams life. hes already had too much, giving him the slightest more will only compound the problem expotentially. imo, the best thing you can do for this animal would be to stop supping...
  3. xanthoman

    I think my guy might have Gular Edema

    imo, good call. imo, you shouldnt be giving calcium plus if your animal gets outside sun. calcium plus has d3. giving preformed3 in combination with outside sun is likely to onset hypervitaminosisD which can lead to calcification of organs. refusal to drink is often one of the first signs of...
  4. xanthoman

    Having trouble grabbing chameleon??

    excellent point, getting stuck is a very real possibility and doing so would likely cause a serious tongue injury. tongue injuries are often fatal.
  5. xanthoman

    Having trouble grabbing chameleon??

    imo, much better if you can coax him , far less stressful. a small piece of climbing branch offers a familiar coaxing tool, imo, establishing a bond of trust is far more rewarding for you and healthier for him. even the nastiest of chams will usually come around when allowed to adjust at their...
  6. xanthoman

    3 different jacksons explained

    i have viewed your pic and imo, it is a < 5 wk xanth, judging by the forehead i would say most likely male. judging by his ribs showing, i would say not looking overly promising. imo, a vet and help form would be prudent. jmo.
  7. xanthoman

    I think my guy might have Gular Edema

    gular edema/gout wow that is a gorgeous cham, also nice and lean as it should be. good thing you noticed this early, imo, knowing what to look for in terms of general warning signs, and early recognition are 2 of the most valuble skills a keeper can have DAVE WELDON has already covered...
  8. xanthoman

    RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

    havent read all of the posts but suggest you submit health form in th hc immediately. in the meantime i would recommend turning of all basking lights (not uvb) and stop supplementing until exp members have had a chance to review your help form imo your current setup is not viable for a...
  9. xanthoman

    orange bathroom.

    bright green and still eating indicates not likely gravid, so as trace pointed out, imo, the indication is infertile ova from an unfertilized female. jmo if she appears to have a problem passing them , but is still eating, you could gutload a few small feeders with some prunes. imo, the...
  10. xanthoman

    orange bathroom.

    yellow urate vs orange urate not the same. as trace pointed out, i get the impression we are not talking about urates a yellow urate indicates otherwise healthy dehydration, but an orange urate is a different thing alltogether. urates are orange because of visible blood in the urate, ie...
  11. xanthoman

    Were are the Xanths coming from?

    before mailing xantho before everyone goes emailing me, as to how to obtain permits, as copied from hdlnr; Any person wanting to export a chameleon from Hawaii must obtain an export permit from the Division of Forestry and Wildlife office on the island of Oahu only. The office is...
  12. xanthoman

    Were are the Xanths coming from?

    much to the dismay of hdnr, veileds are now becoming firmly established in the islands as well. given the bureaucracies possible reaction to such matters, i see this as a dangerous trend that could backfire on hawaiin cham enthusiasts. the hawaii dept of natural resources has very clear and...
  13. xanthoman

    Were are the Xanths coming from?

    not a big fan of usdfw its the wild caught thing that gets me. i mean if somebody advertizes cb, then that at least gives the impression that they could be legal, whether they are factually cb or not, but when somebody advertizes wc, then that implies, either the seller is aware of some...
  14. xanthoman

    Were are the Xanths coming from?

    xanth origin??????????????????????????? thats a very good question and one that i have asked many times. kenya is closed to export. and as far as i know tz is closed except for f1 farm raised animals, but its hard to keep track since they seem to change their official policy frequently...
  15. xanthoman

    3 different jacksons explained

    have received 3 different emails this week, either inquiring as to the differences of jacksons or maybe even some confusion, so i just thought i would post a quick link that explains it better than i can (i tend to be better at confusing an issue than i am at explaining it, lol) so, for those...
  16. xanthoman

    Chameleon Feces

    gelatinous or smelly feces should be considered a giant red flag. imo i would repost with your help form in its entirety. jmo
  17. xanthoman

    Another Jackson's Chameleon! Our 2nd!!

    finally, a decent looking (well planted) xanth cage. i agree, not a burn, imo, stress coloration, likely a warning flag of a metabolic issue. imo, probably be prudent to submit an entire help form in the health clinic. jmo ps does this animal get outside daylight and if so, is his supp...
  18. xanthoman

    calling all xantholopolus owners

    imo, the pads of his feet and upper arms do look a little puffy, which can be an early warning of edema or gout. not saying thats the case but imo, i would keep an eye on it. if it starts to get worse , or nodular in appearance then i would consider it a possible red flag. imo, it would...
  19. xanthoman

    can i use a grow light as my room light?

    good call, generally, im not a big fan of cfl's (whether uvb or not), but in an application like that (distances greater than 4'), i see no problem with it. as for the op, define grow light? imo, i would avoid any sort of metal halide, high pressure sodium, mercury vapor etc. by grow light...
  20. xanthoman

    calling all xantholopolus owners

    thats sort of a hard question to answer. ive had full grown xanths that weighed less than 5 grams, to xanths that were over 150, i know that they sometimes attain weights over 200 g but that is rare. imo, i would consider the target range to be from about 35-140 g. females are usually heavier...
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