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  1. Dragonfly56

    It still amazes me

    This clutch is actually from the girl from Jose I got that day. I got her over a mild edema and gave her another month to recoup. She showed receptive and Armand was more than willing to do the deed. I'm excited to see what they produce. I got another girl the week after the show from...
  2. Dragonfly56

    It still amazes me

    27 healthy white jelly beans came out of my panther girl Joan today and she looks no different. I knew she was gravid (Armand will be a daddy again) but I was thinking it must be a small clutch because she gained very little size and ate up till yesterday. Not the case, pretty amazing :)
  3. Dragonfly56

    dubia -new to me-

    They do not bite at all. They are however hard to free range as they tend to hide if you have a heavily decorated cage set up. Suck it up and hand feed if your cham will or just cup feed only dubia for 3-4 days till they and the cup look like lunch. Picky chams are usually just over fed their...
  4. Dragonfly56


    @angrychair- I find the use of tomato plants unnecessary to stimulate egg laying. My moths lay several hundred eggs each night with no stimulation at all lol and I bet those plants will just complicate the egg collection process infinitely. Also from recent (poor) experience I can...
  5. Dragonfly56

    New babies :) Pics!

    Babies These guys are doing great! See the general photography section-post called shameless picture fest if you would like to see my hold backs :) They are actually all sold as they are now pushing 6 months old
  6. Dragonfly56


    Okie dokie. I'll keep the cal flowing and watch for changes :)
  7. Dragonfly56


    I gutload with crickets and dubia with ccrack, carrots, kale, col greens, spring mix, occasional bee pollen, bannas and other fruit that's left over. Never anything with animal products so that shouldn't be a prob. And I was going to cut back to LIGHT cal w/o D3 dusting every three days but I'm...
  8. Dragonfly56


    I really hope I can clear it up. I hope I didn't get a cham that came with health problems :(
  9. Dragonfly56


    So are some individuals more prone to edema than others you think? I hope this is not a reoccurring problem- will it affect her negatively health wise? Like should I be extra careful with breeding her?
  10. Dragonfly56


    I got a new girl for my ambi boy Armand over the weekend only to have her develop edema the very next day... She looked a little plump along her back legs when I got her but from the size of her head fat pads and knowing she just dropped a clutch I figured it was due to baby weight and over...
  11. Dragonfly56

    Male or Female?

    Male, definitely
  12. Dragonfly56

    Khan's Growth Thus Far- PIC HEAVY

    Lol I love his attitude. His 4 month pic is awesome, lots of pattern
  13. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    It's too bad about Herbie, if I were in the market for another boy I'd take him. He's a nice looking fellow. Jose has ben very helpful to me, like I said in an earlier post he took on most of this clutch. He's selling me two of his ladies...I think he said something about getting out of the...
  14. Dragonfly56

    What locale

    Blue was the first color to show on my entire clutch of ambis, at around 3 months their reds really started coming in. They change so fast when small, none of them look like they started off. Cute little bugger too :)
  15. Dragonfly56

    pics of all your chameleons

    Wow kerrek, Elwood is a stunner! What local is he?
  16. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    Ya, I'd like to know. I was going to ask him to write down any and all info on the girls when I got them cause I have less than I'd like on my current ones due to being new to all this when I got them. I'll be there sat, my name is Caitlin. If you see a scary tatted up guy with long dred...
  17. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    Were any of them girls? Cause I sure do like his looks and if one of these girls is his sis Id be pleased :) They are both around 12-13 months, that the right age? And thx, now Its a small world is playing in my head.
  18. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    His name is Jose, he works with a guy named Anthony. They also recently bought most of the clutch these kids came from. Know them?
  19. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    Oh Ill be there, Im at every show. Cant miss me, Im with my husband and he has like 5ft long dreds :) Im actually meeting a guy up there to buy two new Ambi females for my boy Armand :) You go sat or sunday?
  20. Dragonfly56

    shameless picture fest-ambilobe 5 months

    indeed I see posts from other Texans but havent made contact with very many yet. I often wonder if I see people from the forum at the Arlington rep show or NARBC cause Im always there :) (Im a reptile person, not just Chams)
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