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  1. thephotoprincess

    EMERGENCY carpet care

    it is always best to feed a variety of feeders. Crickets in general are dirty. Have you tried dubia? They are easy to keep and raise. Flies and moths are good too if he is a fussy eater. Chameleons are very attracted to flying bugs. Silkworms, wax worms, all kinds of worms would be good...
  2. thephotoprincess

    EMERGENCY carpet care

    It seems like he should eat more but depending on the size of the crickets it may be okay, especially if you are feeding worms as well. He is way too thin though.
  3. thephotoprincess

    EMERGENCY carpet care

    What did your vet do or say? Is he experienced with chams?
  4. thephotoprincess

    EMERGENCY carpet care

    he looks EXTREMELY thin in that pic. His spine is protruding and he has no fat pads on his head - in fact they look badly sunken in. You mentioned what you are feeding but how much are you feeding? Emaciation can also be a sign of parasites and other illness, if you are feeding a good amount...
  5. thephotoprincess

    EMERGENCY carpet care

    Have you checked for parasites? Parasites can cause sunken eyes, poor coloring and lack of appetite. Not sure what is going on with the tail - do you have pics?
  6. thephotoprincess

    Some chameleons I own

    hi Mike!
  7. thephotoprincess

    Need Help! Pygmy Eggs.

    I always use hatchrite as my medium - I have plenty and am in OC so if you need some let me know. But perlite or vermiculite should be fine as well. I never spray eggs and haven't needed to add water either as long as the hatchrite is fresh. I think mine took 70 some days ... I just kept them...
  8. thephotoprincess

    SoCal Locals

    some of my chams and cages: melleri free range: outdoor setup for veiled and panthers...
  9. thephotoprincess

    SoCal Locals

    Orange County - Anaheim
  10. thephotoprincess

    Panther chameleon Egg wanted!

    I don't advise it either but someone is selling panther eggs on craigslist in Huntington Beach. Not sure where you are located but they are $30. As Ryu said, there is no way of knowing if the eggs are any good. I was recently given some eggs and they turned out to be all infertile.
  11. thephotoprincess

    Reptile Magazine Cover and Article by CF Member thephotoprincess

    thanks everyone! I finally got my copy and love seeing it all put together. I hope you all enjoy the article and any feedback is welcome!
  12. thephotoprincess

    let me see your nosey be's

    most people are more familiar with the "true blue" nosy be which has been selectively bred to be so blue.
  13. thephotoprincess


    those oustalets are addicting, aren't they? good luck with him!
  14. thephotoprincess

    let me see your nosey be's

    Elwood and his son Jake Jake at one month old
  15. thephotoprincess

    do you believe free ranging helps with temperament?

    yes, it helps very much. we have several chameleons that free range and they get along with each other and are comfortable with people. Ours come down from their free range to climb on us and wander around and are fearless ...
  16. thephotoprincess

    does anybody have a veiled from driskels bloodline?

    I have a daughter of his to breed to our line:
  17. thephotoprincess

    Chameleon tongue - slow motion

    As much as I will let him! I generally feed him every other day and how much I give him depends on the size of the feeders. He likes dubia a lot, he also really likes hornworms.
  18. thephotoprincess

    Goodbye to Dirk

    so sorry Laurie
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