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  1. albert the veiled

    Chameleon Callus

    I will get the pics up tomorrow morn. I got him from a breeder and she told me that it was from rubbing against the screen cage. He was kept in a basement with little sunlight (just bulbs) poor thing! I have had him outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather and he is enjoying it very much..he is...
  2. albert the veiled

    Chameleon Callus

    Hi Everyone!!!, I just picked up my new veiled adult male Sunday and he has a callus on his lower lip. Does anyone have an Idea what I can put on it to soften it up and possibly get rid of it?? Thanks for they help...
  3. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    UPDATE.... My neighbors 2 doors down spotted my little buddy lastnight!! They didn't catch him but he is in the area and not too far away. I am glad that he made it through all the bad weather we had last week!!!
  4. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    David I have sorted out my internal debate years ago when I "aquired" my first female veiled in 1999. It should be known that we do live in civilized, overpopulated world IMO and should take every measure to care for gods wonderful creatures as I try to do. I am not a breeder that goes across...
  5. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    I put flyers out Wed.all over town, It is getting cold around 50 degrees and it has stormed the past couple of days. PLEASE be ok my little Buddy!!! I have been on pins and needles the past few days, it has been 4 days and counting, no calls or knocks at my door yet. I prayed really hard for god...
  6. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    I am balling my eyes out while I post this reply......I had Albert in a small ficus tree outside on my patio and he got away again!!!! I turned my back for a second and he was gone. I raised him all winter long and it was a cold nasty winter here in Indiana, I keep telling myself that some...
  7. albert the veiled

    Minimum temp for outdoor real sun basking

    In direct sunlight I would not take my "LiL" Buddy out til 65 degrees.. Make sure there is No cold wind either, I took him out last week for a couple of hours he loved it!!
  8. albert the veiled

    Swollen toe

    I called my vet and cant get a hold of them :(.. I have been cleaning his foot with mild soap and putting antibacterial ointment on it. The nail is ok but the toe is still swollen. He seems to be ok and letting me hold his foot to treat it, I think he knows that I am trying to help. I cleaned...
  9. albert the veiled

    Swollen toe

    He usually goes to sleep with the sunset and wakes when the sun rises, He seems ok this morning. I will call the vet today and see what they say. He is not favoring the foot and climbing ok.
  10. albert the veiled

    Swollen toe

    Please keep me posted Miss Lily, It sounds like we are in the same boat... I am going to keep a close eye on him. I dont want it to get any worse...
  11. albert the veiled

    Swollen toe

    yes the tonail is still there. I cleaned it good with mild soap and put some triple antibotic ointment on it.. No pics yet but will be posting some soon. I live in Darlington IN. I will check it in the morning. He went to his sleeping spot and is looks like he will be sleeping soon. POOR LIL GUY!!
  12. albert the veiled

    Swollen toe

    I have a 1yr old male veiled with a swollen toe on his back left foot, He just shed last week. I keep him in a LRG Repti Breeze inclosure. Could he have hurt it on the screen?
  13. albert the veiled


    my veiled has a swollen toe on his back left foot on the inside. I dont know what happened, could it be an ingrown toenail?? its swollen pretty bad. PLEASE HELP!!!
  14. albert the veiled

    Rub-A-Dub-Dub! Chams in the tub?!

    PLEASE be careful!! If you do live in a highly populated area check your water for chlorine and other chemicals, It can be irratating for your Cham. I live in the country and have a well, so it's not a concern. Sometimes I wonder if humans should have just left these beautiful creatures alone on...
  15. albert the veiled

    Rub-A-Dub-Dub! Chams in the tub?!

    I havent got Albert in the shower yet, I put towels on the shower curtain rod and let the shower run (hot) awhile and let him walk back and forth on the towels. I take a paper towel,soak it with the warm water and drizzle him. He really likes it and the steam is good for his eyes and skin. I...
  16. albert the veiled

    free ranging and mirrors?

    Free range is kinda dangerous without proper supervision, a chams natural instinct is to climb and can be injured by a fall. Mirrors can stress an immature cham yes but when a mature cham "flares" up is not so bad, I have seen mine and he stretches out and rolls his tail, just don't let him...
  17. albert the veiled

    Help! 911!!!

    Poor little guy!! Keep doing what you're doing and get his strength back up. Don't forget to get him hydrated and keep the little guy warm!! GOOD LUCK!! Thanks for saving him from those EVIL petstores that don't have a clue how to care for Chameleons...Please keep us informed!!!
  18. albert the veiled

    I don't know what's going on

    OH MY!!! You are roasting you're poor little guys, PLEASE get rid of that huge dome light fixture and get a smaller one for the size of that enclosure. Are you using that to keep the temp correct? I would suggest a basking area and more vines in different areas of the enclosure...
  19. albert the veiled

    Dehydrated Panther

    showering will help, I would suggest getting some Hydro-life in him ASAP. It's a product that zoo's use on their herps like gatorade for chams, I purchased mine at and works well.
  20. albert the veiled

    Pegboard enclosures...

    I would NOT trust using any kind of man-made compressed board,chipboard,OSB,particalboard,masonite or pegboard. the chemicals that are used in processing could be harmful to you're cham. when making an enclosure the fumes can intensify. I would not use any kind of lacquer or urethane on an...
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