free ranging and mirrors?


New Member
hey I'm thinking of free ranging my guy when he gets big enough but the room I want to put him in has a mirror, do I need to cover it? I know you shouldn't put them in glass partly because of their reflection stressing them will a mirror near there free range do the same thing?
I think it depends on your cham. My chameleon has been in front of a mirror and has done absolutely nothing! just stared at it! Did not stress him out a bit. Alls you could do is put him in front of it and see how he is gonna react.
I think it depends on your cham. My chameleon has been in front of a mirror and has done absolutely nothing! just stared at it! Did not stress him out a bit. Alls you could do is put him in front of it and see how he is gonna react.

all my males are like that too. yet they do know a real chameleon when they see one.

I free range all my guys and mirrors never bother them. I've actually caught Camille a few times just sitting on the dresser looking at herself in the mirror and showing no reaction at all.
ya in my free range set up, there is a mirror on the out skirts of the tree(on the wall) and my cham ( male ambilobe panther ) and hes looked into it a few times but actually only flared once when he was lookin in it( first day in his new set up)...i think it'll be fine..just observe the cham the first day..wait until it sees the mirror, then you will know, easiest way to do it..
Free range is kinda dangerous without proper supervision, a chams natural instinct is to climb and can be injured by a fall. Mirrors can stress an immature cham yes but when a mature cham "flares" up is not so bad, I have seen mine and he stretches out and rolls his tail, just don't let him strike at the mirror!!
thanks for all the replys guys, it will be a while till I let him "range free" I just wanted to know ahead of time. looks like i'll wait and see how he reacts
i always wanted to see why my cham would do if i put a mirror close to him. i was hoping he would get all puffy but it seem otherwise.
Tommy always reacts to his reflection, whreas Amy is really not bothered at all. We have a stainless steel light fitting in the kitchen and I stood out there once and Tommy was sat on my shoulder all puffed up and on the defensive. He had seen his reflection in the light on the ceiling! He always reacts when I stand under it when I have him out - you can see him tilt his head to get a good look then he instantly puffs up and starts showing off, lol!
ya all chams react is always best to supervise far out of my 11 different free range set ups over the years, ive found that with everything they need, and good temps, humidity, ect ect..they will thrive in an open free range set cham even comes to the longest branches to watch tv with me, actually seems to fully enjoy his "space"..
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