Well, after I tuned the outside set up correctly, he was quite safe in there, and he could enjoy a lot of real sun !
Some other pictures of him of this summer :
I had to leave Canada though, so he is now in someone's else care.
She tried to have him enclosed again but finally she free...
I usualy make him drink by spraying mannually the plants. He doesn't drink often, but when he does it takes a while.
I think he is happy. He is getting more and more used to me. Not afraid anymore unless being caught on the ground or some unsafe place.
If I stand between the nest and the...
Hi guys !
I will present you the free range, what it became since I got charlie in january (he was 3months back then).
It is now composed of three main areas :
the main one : with plants and lamps, next to the radiator for winter.
The playground, and branch with view on...
Okay ! Some news : I found him a name : Charlie, for, in french "Ou est Charlie?" "Where is Waldo?" in english
I now have a much better Setup.
I put more resitants plants over the radiator but even the Potos' leaves in the air flow got burnt out. Doesnt matter they are behind !
The ficus was...
I also saw a panther who had been badly taken care of, and "saved" by someone else.
It was very agressive. Getting in "combat mode" as soon as your hand was closer than 50cm...
Then for veiled I guess it s a question of characters. Panthers are supposed to be generaly less agressive...
It is pretty docile. I m quite sure it has been well taken care of before I get it, and since it s CB... This picture was taken 1h after I brought him home.
Seems normal to hand feed. Is it not ?
I could also go for an artificial plant...:mad: but what can you do? I m sure it wont die from heat...
maybe it also doesnt like the "wind" made by the rising air.
I m thinking about putting the potos the closest to the radiator and put the ficus further.
Hi everybody !
I finally moved in Montreal for my 1 st job. I m here for 2 weeks and I already got my Cham, I couldnt wait anylmore.
It s a male blue panther of 4months, from local breeder.
I bought a ficus (2nd hand) and also I pothos.
For now, I put the ficus against the electric radiator...
Oki, I guess I ll go for the Panthers from local breeder. Male of 3months for 180.
Poor C . chamelon, I hope someone will take it !
Found some veiled too, but they just have the translucids ones for 350$. Kinda special.
Yeah the panther is Captive born. Should make it easier.... but I m still hesitating !
(for info the previous Chameleo I had was pbly wild captured. I bought it as baby on a marroco market.
How to determine the sexe on the Chameleo ? Any info on temp and humidity ?
Hi !
I finally moved in Montreal and I would like to get finally a cham again!
I wanted to take a male veiled, but actually can't find any in the petstores or so.
I now have the choice between a male baby (~ 3months, 200$) panther blue bars or an adult Chameleo Chameleon captured in north...
I have about 150 picts of free range set ups on my disk.
I can forward them by email (because seems posting them pose problems of picture ownership since they re not mine)
Interrested people can contact me by Private Message and give me their email adress.
I was wondering... what about a "small waterfall", which would always use clean water?
Like : a very little of water running on a vegetal wall and some "river path rock" or stuff like this, and which water goes directly to water the plants down the terra and then is evacuated ?
(dunno if it...
No kidding I have been reading ( don't remember exactly on which forum) that someone had a chameleon who was attracted by people eyes, and always trying to shoot them with his tongue !. Might be the shinny reflection.
Seems it was quite painfull experience!
But it s an exception . Don't...
Why put them in a cage ?
Get a hibiscus tree in a pot, that you put outside.
Then, make a barrier around it so that if the cham wanna go down, it can't escape.
I thought pbly of a small pneumatique swiming pool for kids should do the trick?
Then you have to hope that your cham is...
have this plant in my school.
I think it looks kinda cool, quite large and with nice branches.
However not tooooo much branches and leaves, which is good to see chameleon I would say.
Does anyone knows what it is?