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  1. N

    laying material???

    no she has not she has white splotches along her side but she has had this colour for a while? Thank you for the advice on the sand i will sort that out straight away for her.
  2. N

    laying material???

    She ia a Veiled cham we think she is about 5 or 6 months old, her enclosure is all mesh and is misted regular times through out the day her enclosure is approx 3foot high and about 2foot wide, with plenty vines, and hanging leaves for her (but she tends to only go there at night for sleep rest...
  3. N

    laying material???

    thank you guys i will get a bin tomorrow and sand, how will i know when she is ready to lay eggs as she always wanders to the bottom of the enclosure it is something she has always done??
  4. N

    laying material???

    hi what ia the best material for my cham to lay in, i am worried about her getting egg bound and something happening to her please any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you
  5. N

    Not a happy girl!

    thank you very much just don't want to do anything wrong but i do love her to come out and just wander on me. Would you happen to know what different colours stand for i have been told by people it is her enviroment and others say mood??
  6. N

    Not a happy girl!

    Hi just wondering if anyone can advise me, Bella is my female veiled cham she is about two and a half months old she has been great very friendly and a pleasure to have, but for some reason she suddenly has gone from friendly to snappy and hissing when i ask her to come out of her enclosure...
  7. N

    What kind of substrate should I use?

    Thanks I will get paper towels down straight away :D
  8. N

    How many do you have??

    Just the one little veiled girl :o
  9. N

    Solar is shedding!!

    glad it went well my girl was quick bothered her a bit i think and she got it off as quick as she could lol:)
  10. N

    Zelig's shedding!

    Glad it went well :)
  11. N

    Zelig's shedding!

    yep i did the same thing when my girl shed lol ran back for picture not sure she wanted it took lol it is on my gallery did not know how to move it hope the rest of the shedding goes well for you :)
  12. N

    What kind of substrate should I use?

    so i could use paper towels? the shop told me i had to use bark for my girl and i just want to do the right thing for her what is best?
  13. N

    Solar is shedding!!

    I agree my Bella (Veiled) seemed out of sorts so i got her out and she seemed to start shedding in my hand i put her straight back in and misted her a bit but she was great she worked it all off within an hour except a bit on her toes so i sprayed them again and that came off. it was her first...
  14. N

    The worst case of MBD I have ever seen (video)

    glad she is doing better that video was horrible
  15. N

    egg laying?

    Hi Jan I have had Bella for about a month now and she is great, i have been talking to the shop i got her from to try and figure how much i should be feeding her, they told me 4/5 crickets 2/3 times a day and a couple of worms she has also had grated and chopped apple and turnip (although she...
  16. N

    egg laying?

    Thanks Jan that was really helpful, i will get a bin ready now so i am prepared when she does start but i am so worried it will go wrong and i will lose her. reading your blog should give me a good head start thanks again :)
  17. N

    Please help sick cham

    i am very sorry for your loss hope you are ok
  18. N

    egg laying?

    thanks she is a veiled and is two months old now :)
  19. Bella4


  20. Bella4


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