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  1. Seegs

    is it time for the vet??

    i think it is just to much rays coming out of a small bulb where as a tube is more balanced. I've also been told from inside info that they make the product as cheap as they possibly can. I can have any feeling about the product that I wish to. I also replace the bulb regularly but thank you for...
  2. Seegs

    is it time for the vet??

    just got a zilla 15w tube uvb, my little guy seems to be responding great!:) I would recomend throwing away any of your bulb uvb from exo. there junk and harmfull
  3. Seegs

    is it time for the vet??

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Nosy Mitsio "1.5 years" Handling - Every day Feeding - Super Worms usually 2 per day around dinner time, gut loaded with potato's and oats. Supplements - Miner-All which covers all of the supplements Watering - He was always drinking, I...
  4. Seegs

    What gets your chameleons apetite going?

    I'm struggling to feed my Mitsio based on is lack of interest in crickets, horns and now supers. His multi vitamin Miner-All is even not working anymore..... Share with me your secrets people:) Thanks
  5. Seegs

    New Colours!!!!!!

    thanks guys!
  6. Seegs

    New Colours!!!!!!

    And its the photo that makes him look chubby hahaha, hes in great shape.
  7. Seegs

    New Colours!!!!!!

    So I woke up today only to see that my mitsio is learning how to change yellow like his amazing father kryptonite from chameleon nation!!! WOW:))))) Before.......................... After.............................
  8. Seegs

    Mitsio's first X-mass

    Hahaha im going to have to keep the tree up after x-mass, Its fake so he loves it!
  9. Seegs

    Mitsio's first X-mass

  10. Seegs


    I have a 9month old nosy mitsio cham. He has been very clumsy these past few months and I cant figure out why. My first thought was his nails. Reason being is because when I free range him he cant climb up anything and he falls all of the time in his terrarium. it makes me sad I have a...
  11. Seegs


    He is very clumsy and I want to know why. Hope its not MBD, that would be bad!! He gets Miner-all fed to him every other feeding attached is his uv lights and his heat lamp. Give me your thoughts [/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  12. Seegs

    Comment by 'Seegs' in media 'bitchy'

    Big Als, it was on sale hahah
  13. Seegs

    HELP!!!Clumsy Chameleon

    Hello there, I have a 9month old nosy mitsio cham. He has been very clumsy these past few months and I cant figure out why. My first thought was his nails. Reason being is because when I free range him he cant climb up anything and he falls all of the time in his terrarium. it makes me sad...
  14. Seegs


    2-3 crickets a day
  15. Seegs


    Hello All, I am having some worries with my Nosy Mitsio cham. A) He is very clumsy for a 8-9month cham and falls allllllll of the time. B) his claws seem to be very short due to his Exo-Terra terrarium small screen holes on the roof of it. I have been powdering his crickets with multi...
  16. Seegs

    Oorana Mena or Nosy Mitsio

    Mitsio, sorry guys :) loveeee my boii, Thanks Chameleon Nation (Drew) These next few months should be speacial!!!! About to ditch the lime and grab the banana:)
  17. Seegs

    Nosy Mitsio flaring

    Yup he came from Chameleon Nation, hes sired by Kryptonite I also cant wait to see him in 6 months. Hope its stunning!
  18. Seegs

    Nosy Mitsio flaring

    He is only 6 months!! big boyyyy. I like your cham!! but ya its hard to get them sparked up to thier full potential
  19. DSC04664


  20. DSC04656


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