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  1. J

    taking jackson home from HAwaii ok?

    My daughter lives on Oahu at the top of Mt. Tantalus on Round Top Drive. She finds them occasionally in her yard :). A few weeks ago one surprised her right on her front porch! If you are still in Hawaii, you might take a drive up there to go look?
  2. J

    Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

    Riven, I have nothing to offer or add, as I'm a newbie at cham care myself. I'm so impressed though, with the lengths you've gone to try to save your little girl. I think many newbie's would have become overwhelmed and maybe thrown in the towel at this point. It's so distressing to have a...
  3. J

    Noob question about shedding?

    My thanks to you both for the reassurance. :) You guys are the best!
  4. J

    Noob question about shedding?

    I've had my veiled about 2 weeks. Today, it looks like he is just starting to shed. I've noticed though, that he seems to be a bit darker today. I guess I expected that he would look a little "dull" (I do too when I need to exfoliate!) but I didn't expect that his coloring would change. Is...
  5. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    Well, I know for certain now that the basking temps are too high- and I've already remedied that situation. My question though, applies specifically to the broad spectrum bulb. I now know that it isn't needed, but is it actually harmful?
  6. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    Is the broad spectrum bulb harming his health? If it isn't I would just as soon leave it, as it's got to be a little better for all of the plants that I have in there. If it's harmful though, I'll take it out this evening. Thanks and thanks :)
  7. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    He's such a tiny little thing at the moment, I think it will be a long, long while before I bring those temps up at all. I've turned off the basking lamp, and I'm getting ready to turn the UVB light off for the evening here shortly. I appreciate the comments and advice of anyone who weighs...
  8. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    Question about my 5.0 UVB bulb- The housing for the bulbs (can't think of the proper term) is only large enough for 2 of the smaller spiral bulbs. Should I put a 5.0 bulb in both sides when I ditch the broad spectrum bulb?
  9. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    I haven't thought about putting him in a shower for bruising. Thank you for the tip. Another reason I'm so glad I found this site. :) I know I have a lot to learn. thank you!
  10. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    It IS really warm in my house now. I've got the cooler on, but the outside temps are so warm right now that I'll try turning off his basking lamp for now and monitor his cage temps closely. Luckily, I work from home, so I can check him frequently. JJK85- thanks for the reassurance. He...
  11. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    Thank you Camimom! I'll definately work on those lights and lower the temps! :)
  12. J

    New Cham owner here :)

    Hello, I thought I would finally stop lurking and say hello. I've learned much on this forum already and I have ya'll to thank for that ( I have a funny story about digging coconut substrate out of his cage at midnight the first day I got him, because I was terrified of impaction) . I think...
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