Thanks guys! :)
She was just being grumpy, picked her up today and she's like yeah.. all cool with it!:D
Also, she's been growing ALOT, not like.. Fatty grow, but bigger overall!
They grow kinda fast right? :D
Not at the moment :/ No buscard right now so can't come to the city.. Going there tomorrow tho..
What kind of stores can you buy that special sand that most of the people uses? :o playsand?
What other reason?:(
I used to be able to just pick her up and feed her and stuff.. Now she won't let...
Hey everyone.
Suddenly when I'm trying to take out my Cham she hisses at me, all the time.
She never did that before, always let me pick her up..
As soon as I came close with my hand, she hissed... A bit closer and she nearly bit me.:(
But she still eats food from my hand if I bring it...
Thanks!:) yeah it's really really helpful:):D
So you suggest I just put a small box i in the corner of the cage, like... Behind some plants? With playsand in it, and spray a bit water on it etc? :)
When you say dust twice a month... You mean dust the insects right before I give them to my...
Hehe noticed!:D She tried to crawl up on my face... Picked her up and she was like "HISSSS!! RELEASE ME!!!!".
Really gentle when I pick her up, take one finger under her belly and the other one so she walks up on my hand etc, never pulling her... Don't dare because of her claws etc.
I just let...
Yeah, starting with a glass terrarium... I will build a bigger cage when she's older. I live in Sweden, and the winter here is REALLY cold. But I've got a oil heating element thingie and I like it warm in my room, really warm.. so I don't think the cage will be any problem. Tho I don't know how...
Yea, just want some help with my Cham:(
I wouldn't sign up her, ask questions and stuff to NOT care about my Cham.. Just need some help so I can improve her enclosure etc:(
The bask light bulb thingie is on top of the cage now, and there's more bushier on one side so she can hide better...
Ideas and knowledge would be great. From everyone! Specially the ones with the expert goodies;):D
Also you're not helping me after all, you're helping my Chameleon:(
Thank you! My little Cham also thank you:D;)
And yes, I care about my Cham alot. Been staying home every day so I can give her daily water and stuff untill I've got myself a mister. Or atleast the dripper.
I admit that I didn't really research alot about the chameleon. But enough to make her...
Yeah, he got pissed on me or something?:eek: And what's with the "Ezroll has no clue so do not listen to that poster!!!!"? What poster? I'm asking for advice, not giving advice...:confused: Perhaps you should read EVERYTHING before answering?:confused:
"Stupid post"? Well I don't know how you...
Yeah, I will.
There's a net thingie there so she can't touch the lamp :o Thought of that alot, watching her from my computer ALOT because I'm always so worried something's going to happen' to her:(
Repti Glo UVB 5.0 "30% UVA, 5% UVB" (Something like that)
And the bulb is like, Trixie...
It has a net thingie infront of the lamp so she can't touch it:o
The UVB is "Repti glow 5.0 UVB" says 30% UVA, 5% UVB
And the bulb is from "Trixie, reptiland" (Something like that). 100w
Even got one of those things under my terrarium so it gets warmer.
It's like 70-75 f on the other...
Yeah it's inside.. But I'll put it on the cage, over her favourite spot!:)
And yes there's an UVB light hehe.
And the log thingie, yeah I will... Mom just brought it so had to fill in with something. But it isn't that populare since she never even walks on it hehe:D
When spraying... You...