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  1. J

    Live plant help!

    Ok thank you x
  2. J

    Live plant help!

    The problem i have though is that i cant get all the fertiliser from the roots does that matter? Is it ok to get off what i can?
  3. J

    Live plant help!

    Ive decided to put live plants in my panthers viv. Im aware i need to repot them to organic compost and give the leaves a good wash! However ive started to repot and there are so many roots crammed in that it is impossible to get all the little fertiliser balls out from in between the roots...
  4. J

    problems shedding... black scabs??

    My 1 year old nosey be panther normally has no problems shedding, but this time he has struggled and has been left with shed left round his spines on his back, he has tried to get it off him self and i think he has rubbed so hard on things that in places the spines have disappeared and what...
  5. J

    CH Nosy Faly update

    how cute are they :D
  6. J

    Do Panthers recognise you?

    As Levi my nosey be doesnt flare his chin or make noises/hiss at me and i can pick him up and he doesnt run away and has even started rubbing his head on my fingers ?!! but he hisses and flares at my boyfriend! so what is normal behaviour? i didnt think Levi should act the way he does with me??
  7. J

    White at night?

    Levi my nosey be used to turn white and hide away at night, now he goes either lighter or darker and sits in the middle and goes to sleep. Doesnt go white anymore though.
  8. J

    update to panther eating things he shouldn't

    goes down to 60 over night, if he is fine that low i'll turn the thermostat off completely over night.... :) He was up before his light came on this morning sat under his bulb waiting for it to come on so then i feel mean that he is cold?! How do i know if he is cold? Thanks for all...
  9. J

    47 Healthy Baby Veileds!!

    awwwwww how cute are they :) you must be soooo pleased. Well done! :)
  10. J

    update to panther eating things he shouldn't

    well i've put some more vines and branches in the viv which Levi immediately started climbing and exploring :D Ive changed how his dripper drips and ive now moved loads more leaves under it... His red light is set on the minimum temeperature over night so only if it gets really cold it...
  11. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    ok thanks. sorry for being a pain ...
  12. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    Thank you :) Just googled it... it says its toxic to pets ????:confused:
  13. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    Thanks for all your replies, his heat lamp is now off over night and i make sure he is sprayed alot more. As regards real plants - pothos? Please could you give me a latin name as im in the UK and the garden centre i went today had never heard of it?! she said i need a latin name so she can...
  14. J

    My new baby ambilobe panther Ziggy!

    They are great aren't they?! Such characters :) I have a 6 month old Nosey Be. Hard to find live plants for vivs in England though. How have you mangaged to get on? Where did you get your lil fella? Some pics would be great :)
  15. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Ok, Levi is a Nosey Be Panther Chameleon. He was sold as male 2 months ago and we were told he was 3 to 4 months old then. Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? We try to handle...
  16. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    he gets his bugs with calcium every day and multi vitamin once a week. i was worried he is lacking something, but he has just shed again, and appears to shed about once a month. but the chewing on the wood in his viv worried me as i dont want him to ingest anything?? could it be he he is being...
  17. J

    Panther eatring things it shouldn't?!

    Hiya, My panther who is nearly 6 months old has started chewing wood, plastic plants and even the thermostat prob... is this normal??!! He was up before the light were even on this morning and he was giving his plastic plant some grief, some of the leaves are even coming off :confused...
  18. J

    what else can i feed my panther...?

    yeah i tried a couple, wasnt that interested but could try him again now he has settled. I've only had him a couple of weeks. Thanks:)
  19. J

    what else can i feed my panther...?

    Hi, What else can i feed my panther,he is 12 weeks old. he currently gets brown crickets and locusts gutloaded with either apple or cabbage. I tried with mealworms and he isnt that bothered. Can he eat plants or vegetables/greens too? Bearing in mind i'm from the uk i cant always access...
  20. J

    White Crusty white stuff on Panther Chameleons nostrils...

    thank you sooo much for your help. It has put my mind at rest :) Being in the UK i can easily get hold of calcium on its own and calcium + D3 so i'll cut down the amount i dust with. He is a cutie. He is getting quite tame now. to the point that he quite likes his chin having a rub :D...
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