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  1. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Sanguine passed today.

    I dont think I'll be getting another chameleon, or even an animal for a long time. I get pretty sad when one of my animals die but this time I am more sad than I have ever been when one of them has died. I guess it's because he died of a sickness and could have lived longer. Usually my animals...
  2. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Sanguine passed today.

    I know it's been a very long time since I got on this forum but I thought I should get on to tell you all this. Sanguine passed today. After a week of battling an illness the vet could not identify he just went to sleep while I was at school and never really woke up, he was responding a little...
  3. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Fruit Flies?

    He's 7 months old.
  4. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My little guy.

    Here is my little 7 month old guy chilling on my hand and around his cage, colors are really coming in now, still not sure if he will be a red or blue bar though.
  5. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small.

    Here is another picture if you wanted to see one.
  6. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Fruit Flies?

    I noticed my local petsmart sells fruit fly feeders. I was wondering if they would be good to feed him every once in a while, are there any risks or benefits to it?
  7. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small.

    thanks i was pretty worried, i get easily worried over all my animals.
  8. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small.

    I dont know for sure his hatch date. I had all the supplies shipped with him. I gutload with Flukers cricket quencher and the high calcium cricket diet.
  9. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small. there he is
  10. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small.

    i was just about to but then he climbed under a leaf, i will when he leaves it
  11. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My chameleon is small.

    My cham is almost 7 months now, i noticed he hasnt grown that much. When I look at other pictures of chameleons at the same age they are huge. He hasn't grown that much and doesnt have alot of color, he has some but not to much. Is he just a late bloomer?
  12. xx99TheCreatorxx

    battle of the chameleons??!?!!?!

    Hey kid, dont battle your jacksons, they could get hurt idiot.
  13. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Why the huge range in price on Panthers?

    Different Locales mean different prices :D
  14. xx99TheCreatorxx

    My bud hanging on the ceiling.

    I dont know why hes not the ceiling so much, he even sleeps on the walls. He's really weird :D.
  15. xx99TheCreatorxx

    black spot under mouth

    he does crawl around on the ceiling close to the light alot but he i think he might be shedding also.
  16. xx99TheCreatorxx

    black spot under mouth

    My chameleon has this little black spot under his mouth, I might be over reacting but i dont know. Hopefully you can see this
  17. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Chameleon slept on the wall

    Wish i could post pics, camera broke
  18. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Chameleon slept on the wall

    I was just getting ready to go to bed and i checked on little Sanguine and i found him sleeping on the wall, Does anyone else's chameleon do this?
  19. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Where did you get your chameleon?

    I got mine at Chamalot Chameleons, where did you get yours?
  20. xx99TheCreatorxx

    Disappearing Crickets!?

    I put about 10 crickets in the cage this morning, he got 2, and the rest are gone, i have no clue where they could be going but he isnt getting enough crickets.
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