Nope they're deaf, But they do feel vibrations. They can "hear" in the sense that the vibrations are felt in their inner ears.
Some people believe that their inner ears are so sensitive they can feel a heart beat in a completely silent room!
SO I picked up a cute little female carpet chameleon about a month ago. Shes a tiny little thing. Shes about 5 inches from nose to the tip of her tail (her tail is nipped)l. and shes pretty light. so my questions are:
-Is this the biggest she will get?
-She only weighs 8 grams... is that...
Please don't get your feelings hurt by an angry Chameleon.
A majority of my Veiled chams have been pretty mean. but i think its just a facade. once removed from the cage they would perk up and climb around a lot.
in the wild they are secretive and defensive. You're just expirienceing a...
I think your cage might be a little bit too big. he might have a hard time finding his food :)
If your cup feeding and that works for you, then go for it. my Veileds didnt like cups and seems to be more of the run and gun kind of eaters :)
Congrats on your new little friend. And...
I have been building a 20Gal Tall for some pygmys. I Never have done this before, tell me what you think!
here it is almost completely finished
and here it is with a few more plants and the gravel
heres some pics of talon..
not the greatest..he was sleepin in the back of the cage..hard to get to him
his eyes are a bit deformed but he has complete range of motion with them.
hes a pretty boy, and has a crazy personality
I honestly am not a fan of the mellers. But he's growing on me since i've been taking such close care of him. Talon ( the vieled) is doing well, needs a bigger cage now. When I get home I'll
post pics of him post op.
As for demon.. He's the meanest flightiest crestie ever. Leo is on loan to...
Heres some more of my Zoo
for you guys who are wondering... Enzo is a New Caldonian Giant Gecko, He will weigh more than 400 Grams and be about a foot long
So its been a while since I have posted on here, but I figured i probably should give you guys an update.
My Girlfriend and I of 5 Years broke up and i was left with a Zoo to take care of. I had a hard time dealing with her being gone at first, pretty miserable. I never realized how much she...
Our big male panther is having his winter strike now.... he eats like 2 every 2 days...
-My Female Veiled is an Eating machine.....
-Flap neck is on a diet i think.... she only eats when she feels like it
-the Baby Panther is an eating machine too
-Mellers baby is just picky i...
kinyonga.. You werent even kiding about her being skinny after she laid, im going to post some pics tomwow, "i just joined jenny craig and lost 25 grams!'
Yes shes Doing quite well, drinking, eating, and just being beautiful, she just makes us so happy :-)
Ok so the Vet said we have to bring her out and shower her everyday, she will recover that way, shes doing much better, we bought some play sand today, moistened it up dug a starter hole.. and guess what! She started digging like hell, so i checked up on her to make sure she was doing ok, and...
Im using wet seeding soil like 95% seeding soil, rest is potting, and packed down as much as you can, so she will lay and not have the substrate fall down on her