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    Bullet Proof Dubia Bin

    Nice Roach Bin OP! Yes the dubias for the most part cannot climb the steep walls. Unlike red runners which despite my best efforts always seemed to find ways to escape. My gf waking up at night to a stray roach scurrying accross her face was bitter-sweet to say the least! Figured if she can...
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    Forum advice on a new panther purchase

    I notified the sellers that their Cham has some significant health issues. I told them I could not offer $200. I told them it was unlikely anyone would pay 200 for such a damaged Cham. I made a standing offer of $100 and told them if they wanted him in a good home and couldn't get rid of him to...
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    Forum advice on a new panther purchase

    Thanks for the input It is kind of a moral dilemma. I do not want to reward the sellers for their poor husbandry, but I also see the point Of wanting to rescue the chameleon so he will not have to suffer anymore... After meditating on it, I am leaning towards getting him. Best case- he...
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    Forum advice on a new panther purchase

    Should I rescue him A healthy adult Ybrb male breeder could go for up to $500. I could get this guy as a rescue project, and even if he looks a little rough from the burns, his color line and genetics are rad. Should I offer $100 instead of $200? Or should I just avoid this guy completely...
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    Forum advice on a new panther purchase

    Background: I have several ambilobe and just had my first batch of babies. I suppose you could call me a new breeder. I am fascinated with the Ybrb color line found in the ambilobes. I recently bought a juvenile with a Ybrb sire, but the breeder is cautioning me that there is no guarantee he...
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    Female ambilobe laying multiple clutches question

    Thank you I am aware that a female laying multiple clutches in a year can shorten her lifespan. Beyond this concern, is there any harm in attempting to breed her again? Perhaps it'd be best to just be patient and wait up to the six months (as you said) to see if she lays any more. Seems best...
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    Female ambilobe laying multiple clutches question

    After successful breeding, My female ambilobe laid her first clutch. I was told that females can lay multiple clutches from one breeding; approx. 7 weeks apart Is it the norm for females to lay multiple clutches from one Breeding? It has been nearly 10 weeks since her first clutch, and...
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    Frank's Thread

    Wow! I'm going to make the official call: you're the man Frank! Nice work.
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    buy a digital thermometer, better yet a laser thermometer gun Check the highs and lows for your basking spot on your new digital therm. I solved the temperature fluctuations by placing a space heater in my cham room that keeps that room an even 65*, and shutting the door. Knowing my room...
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    Unfortunately, I think it's a burn As a novice cham owner, I struggled with the same issue: First of all, what kind of thermometer are you using? I was using a cheap BBQ meat probe at first. My basking temp read between 90 and 100, but my cham was still getting burned. In a panick I...
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    Small thermal burn on male ambilobe

    Update My male panther is doing fine. I bred him and am currently waiting on some eggs he sired. He does have a few sections of missing spines along his back unfortunately. I made the amateur mistake of using a crappy therm that was not giving me accurate readings. I have a digi now that works...
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    Female panther in laying bin questions

    Eggs!! I officially have my first batch of eggs. Goodness what an emotional roller coaster. My female is fine and I have 14 eggs to wait on.
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    Female panther in laying bin questions

    Update: She has emerged!! I noticed her still in the laying box near the mouth of the hole she dug. I'm glad she's alright. I decided to back away and leave her alone for now. I don't know if she is currently laying her eggs, has already laid them and is just filling the hole back in or if there...
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    Female panther in laying bin questions

    So I have had my male and female ambilobe for over a year. I have started dabbling in breeding, but am still inexperienced and have much to learn. I waited till my female was around 65 grams to breed her. I had introduced the female to the male several times, he would head bob a bit, but I...
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    Small thermal burn on male ambilobe

    That's what I thought it might have been but, the whole area stays white regardless of color changes. Usually during a shed the exterior layer of skin will lift and start to whiten but it's transparent and you can still see the base color underneath. I hope you are right and I appreciate your...
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    Small thermal burn on male ambilobe

    My male Ambilobe is nearly a year old. I have babied him his whole life and I recently noticed a small thermal burn above his rear legs along his spines. It's a white stripe about an inch long maybe 1/2 centimeter thick. I applied a small amount of neosporin to it and I'm fairly confident he...
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    young gravid female?

    Young Gravid Female I'm also wondering, do they constantly display gravid coloration when they are in this mode? It is winter now where I am and I am also wondering if she could be showing gravid coloration out of stress toward the overall cooler temps this time of year.....
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    young gravid female?

    This is my first post: I have a young ambilobe panther female. She is maybe six months at best. I bought her to eventually breed with my male. Lately she has been displaying some gravid coloration. I never really noticed her displaying receptive colors prior to this gravid coloration and i...
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