I live in Utah as well and have a variety of species. This may be met with some objection, but I really wouldn't worry about the humidity levels. I have found that trying to raise the humidity in the enclosure to match what it is in Florida or Hawaii leads to way more problems than it solves...
What Krgee21 said is all good stuff. The 2 changes I would make to your housing set up is #1) Get a live plant in there. I have found that live plants provide a bit more humidity as well as allowing the water to pool up a bit better. #2) Add a water drip system. I live in Utah, so the air...
Fill out the form so we can give you better advise, but those look like burns. How close can he get to the heat lamp? Also, there should not be fog forming inside his enclosure, except when being misted I suppose. Sounds like the humidity is too high and there is not enough ventilation.
Welcome!! Chameleons are an amazing and fascinating animal. I wouldn't worry about not having had a reptile before, in many ways that is actually better as you won't have any bad habits;)
What kind of chameleon are you looking to get? The answers to your questions can vary dramatically...
I would adjust these recommendations. Jacksons prefer cooler temps, so keep the daytime temps below 27C/80F. They do prefer a drop to cooler temps at night, but I wouldn't worry about it. Don't blast him with an AC unit or use a red light. Lights are also not as important with Jacksons...
He is probably sick, but regardless, I would take him to a vet for a check up. Especially with wild caught chameleons that were kept in a pet store. Make sure you take a fecal sample with you as they will want to test them for parasites.
I have carried them on to many plane rides, so I doubt that you will have an issue there. TSA and the flight crews have always been very friendly, however, you may get the bible belt gate agent that flips out and thinks that it is a poisonous monster sent from hell to kill her (happened to me...
They cannot be allowed to see or touch each other, so the cage size would have to be 48"X48"X24" or bigger and then have a non-transparent barrier running down the middle effectively creating 2 cages.
What are you worried about? He sounds fine to me, but pictures would help. If it is his eating that you are worried about, he most likely will not eat from the cup and he probably is too scared to eat in front of you. I would let him settle in for a bit and try hand feeding. As long as you...
He probably will not eat from a cup and he also is probably too afraid to eat while you are watching. I would put a few crickets in there, then leave him alone. I would add a carrot or other form of food for the crickets in the cage in case a couple are not found. As long as he still looks...
Most of what he says is true, however all lights off includes moon lights. These tend to be too bright, unless you have a really nice aquarium lighting set up. Then the moon light in its proper phases would be fine, albeit unnecessary. Also, I would set your lights to be on for ~11 hrs...
You need WAY more plant life/vines/branches for her to climb on. You pretty much need to fill it top to bottom with foliage, especially the top.
With that in place, I really wouldn't worry about humidity as long as you are getting her enough water. I would get an automatic set up of some...
If she hasn't been with a male then she can not be gravid.
As for her laying eggs, that is a bit early. That isn't to say it couldn't happen, however. If she isn't looking to dig, then you do not have to worry. She will try when she is ready. Have you felt her belly for the eggs?
On a...
If he is 6-7, then I really doubt that it is MBD. That usually strikes during bone development as that is when the need for calcium is the highest. In addition, you have raised him for that long without issue, so unless you dramatically changed the way that you are caring for him, I don't see...
I agree, your cage is too small for 1 adult male veiled. I would also urge you to not use a glass cage with a veiled and to get rid of that substrate. Both can lead to health issues.