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  1. K

    How should I build apollos new cage!?

    Looks amazing! Great work. Did you gonwith screen or plexi? I kno people are aginst plexi but i like to use it to hold more humidity. My house is so dry that its hard to control with just screen.
  2. K

    How should I build apollos new cage!?

    Id do half screen just at the top so there is some air flow. I fid it holds humidity the best being ur not demolishing the cabnet you can always play with the arrangment of plexi and screen on the doors to find your optimum choice. As for the misting and ruining the wood id line the inside...
  3. K

    Funny behavior

    thats funny, once mine are asleep nothing can wake them up... i can reach in the cage scoop them up and they will stay asleep in my hands untill i try to wake them. must take after me im a prety sound sleeper myself :D
  4. K

    New guys just wants to say hi.

    XD trust me i dont mind the pokes at me i prefer it, i mean it is good to see others give me feed back vs not saying anything or just backlashing me so bad ill want to slit my wrist afterwards. this will give me a chance to rethink a new build and possibly do less water for less risk in the long...
  5. K

    larger food=more interest?

    it wasnt ment to be food i was experimenting with a vivarium with diffrent creatures in a habitat i wasnt expecting the chamel to go for a swim and make dinner out of them. it just happend. trust me i havent added anything else like those to the tank since. i would like to try a day gecko once i...
  6. K

    How should I build apollos new cage!?

    what id do is this. itll keep a really nice look to your cage and give you ventilation at the top, space to keep crickets and wires and pumps ect and lots of room for lights. for the lights id just cut holes in the top and put some screan mesh over the holes and set the lights on top of the...
  7. K

    How should I build apollos new cage!?

    Id keep it all intact as much as possible. i like the look of the trim and everything. so id say on the top doors remove the panneling in the door and replace with screen mesh and on the rest get plexi glass thats the same thickness as the board in the frames and replace with the plexi. for the...
  8. K

    New guys just wants to say hi.

    Thank you for the compliment :D i havent really thought of the bacteria too much though. i did read that just like turtles chamels like to releave themself in water so i bought some shrimp and catfish to help break down the feces maybe on my new build ill do a shallow river vs pool of water...
  9. K

    New guys just wants to say hi.

    They have been housed together for 7 months the female is never stressed no dark coloration or hissing no gaping mouth so im not concerned until i see some aggressive behavior she actually sleeps ontop of his back or against him. I do plan on breeding eventually and if it happens i am prepared...
  10. K

    larger food=more interest?

    My male veiled likes to eat larger food opposed to smaller. put small crickets in there he dont bat an eye at them. put large ones in there and he goes crazy for them wheres my female is the opposite. He also loves chasing tree frogs, fish, fiddler crabs, and crawl fish.. mind you hes has ate...
  11. K

    Number Crickets Monthly?

    i usuly go with 150 to 200 a week for my two veileds They also like to eat 40 super worms aweek divided up among the two and i put guppies rosies and ghost shrimp in the 4'' water and i catch the chamels swimming for them every now and again.
  12. K

    Petsmart Chameleon...

    I bought my veiled chameleon on the spot soon as i walked into a petco. the chick had him on her hand feeding him and i walked up and said i want him. she looked at me all confused because she clearly seen me walk in the door and spot him. he was way too large for the size tank they had him in...
  13. K

    New guys just wants to say hi.

    Hello fellow Chameleon lovers! I have two veiled chameleons one male named Shredder and a female named April. i have them housed in a 40 breeder vivarium with a home made 2' top. and they roam around the house more then they do their tank. they are very friendly and tame, when i take them out to...
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