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  1. F

    female veild cham, about to lay?

    I have not noticed being weak or , ill. I wouldn't know.. As for laying bins, I am recreating its natural environment, my cage has a coconut based substrate.
  2. F

    female veild cham, about to lay?

    my female veild cham is on the dirt now, and of course has eggs inside, but i saw her wave her hand as if she was digging..? and every now and then actually move some dirt, maybe one or two times then stops..? whats this mean?
  3. F

    Egg Laying, Breeding, MBD

    how can you tell if the eggs are fertile or not? If she burries the eggs, that ok? leave them there?If they hatch on their own it will be ok?
  4. F

    Egg Laying, Breeding, MBD

    A few questions. How long does it take once a female veiled to produce the eggs and then to lay them? Do she lay them when instinct tells her 'time to come out'? Breeding: Is there a chart that shows what age she may be by the length of the body? Breeding a young male veiled...
  5. F

    Chameleon bites?

    Don't let him bite loose flesh, it can cutt. Let it get the whole finger maybe going forward to prevent getting the loose flesh. Just feels like pressure on your finger. Usually since they are kinda slow, my hand is swift to get in, touch its body, and slowly move it, being gentle. My two cents.
  6. F

    Adopted Chameleon! 1 year old

    In my opinion, that is how that cham will always be. I have a Fischer's cham and a female veiled, the veiled is extremely aggressive, it does not recognize help, appreciation, or has the ability to trust..despite what others say. Maybe breed, genetics? The Fischer's is very nice, easy going laid...
  7. F

    loves a fake plant!!

    Cute cham
  8. F

    What fruits are safe for chameleons?

    Does you cham see the veggie and uses its tounge to eat it or hand feed?
  9. F

    advanced metabolic bone disease

    Are there any suggestions on using liquid calcium?
  10. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    Thank you. What do you mean by 'husbandry'?
  11. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    Please re-read my last post. I did not treat it properly because I did not know anything about it!! It did not come with a care sheet, I did not buy it, it was basically dumped. I took it in because it is a awesome creature. With the use of the information on the forum, and the nice...
  12. F

    breeding two different species

    Quick question, I couldn't find it I'm the forum per say, can you breed a Fischer male with a female veiled chameleon?
  13. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    Ok let me clarify, out of the sake of the reptile I took it in. Not knowing anything about this when I got it was apart of the issue. I don't really yank it out, I'm swift to get in there then slowly work the finger biting kaiju onto my hand. I think it's a marvelous creature and like it. It...
  14. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    Would it survive if I were to just let it outside?
  15. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    It used to just take the food out of my hand but now its just ridiculous. I want a chameleon taco now! I am just fed up with it at the moment. I threw all its worms in the cage, if its hungry it will have to find them.
  16. F

    Teach a chameleon?

    Has anyone been able to teach a chameleon something? Maybe like trusting your hand in the cage? Someone just gave me a veiled chameleon, I have had it for almost a month now and there is no pleasing this thing. No matter what I do, it will try and bite my fingers off. It is a female...
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