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  1. Montium

    Morning treat

    Good stuff!
  2. Montium

    Misting Systems

    Pro Mist is another to consider
  3. Montium

    Thg sim egg trays?

    I have seen both used successfully
  4. Montium

    Bulging eyes/loss of balance resulting in death

    You are right, I have no experience to share and you clearly know it all.
  5. Montium

    Does anyone know where to buy parson's???

    As big as you can make it. My free range one has over 40 feet of enclosure and still roams it.
  6. Montium

    Bulging eyes/loss of balance resulting in death

    For those posting about glass enclosures, you might want to educate yourself.
  7. Montium

    Question about misting System

    Sometimes the slightest movement or padding of the lines will kill the noise. There will always be some sort of vibration while it's pumping.
  8. Montium

    Yellow Lip in the rain

    Actually that was the beginning of his stink eye lol
  9. Montium

    Yellow Lip in the rain

    I think you have seen the last photo I have. I had a few other projects take priority. I still need to run water to the cages, other than that they are pretty much done.
  10. Montium

    Yellow Lip in the rain

    You said you didn't want anymore lol. Plus what would Cooper think?
  11. Montium

    some nice pictures....

    How big are they at hatching? the eggs seem to be fairly large. I might find out in another four or five months I guess lol
  12. Montium

    Yellow Lip in the rain

    Haven't posted here in a bit so here are a couple shots of one of the Yellow Lips in the rain.
  13. Montium

    The High Prices of The New Madagascar Quotas Chameleon Species?

    And yet it's the same drama on every forum; replace chams with motorcycles or cars and you get the same arguments.
  14. Montium

    worrisome Fauna BOI

    Yeah Hawaii is crazy if they think they are going to remain isolated. There are plenty of non-native creatures living there, goats, donkeys, gekcos. I find it laughable that the big complaint about chams in Hawaii is they eat a tree snail and some " native " spider. Nothing is native to the...
  15. Montium

    worrisome Fauna BOI

    I find it amusing at best that folks make statements like " Veiled's are wiping out native lizards " What native lizards might they be referring to? I hope it's not the Cuban brown anole as it's far from native and is itself wiping out the once native Carolina anole. People love to get all up...
  16. Montium

    Baby Chameleon won't eat?

    Make sure it's getting enough water. Many chams will not eat if they are dehydrated.
  17. Montium

    Search for Parsonii Info

    Working on it lol. Thanks for the info.
  18. Montium

    2015 Parsonii Hatchlings

    Awesome, congrats!
  19. Montium

    Conflicting Messages About Feeders

    I have been feeding a 95% roach diet for a couple years now with no impactions. I think hydration is key to preventing them, this is just my thinking with no hard evidence. I think that due to irrigation problems that many indoor chams probably get less water than they need. Again, just my idea...
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