2 male brevicaudatus fight - Why you should not house male pygmies together.


Last year, I bought my first chameleons at a reptile fair. The guy who sold them to me, told me I got 1.2 Brevicaudatus. Inexperienced as I still was, I couldn't recognize their sexes myself, and they were still pretty young. After a few months, I started to get used to the species and their sexes and started to recognise that one of the 'girls' was actually a boy. I don't blame the seller, he was a difficult one to sex for sure.

Anyway, I had my 2.1 pygmies and only one viv, stratching my head about what to do now of course. As I didn't have any other viv, people started to advise me that they could be oké in the same viv if I heavily planted it. So I added more plants and crossed my fingers.

One day, I was looking into the viv and saw this situation. I filmed it, not being fully aware of what was happening. Only when I noticed the girl was just above them, my alarm bell started ringing and I immediately seperated the males.

This video is from about 11 months ago. I'm posting this again to show people why, in my opinion, it is not advised to keep more than one male together in the company of a female. Even if the viv is heavily planted, they can still bump into each other, and then it's trouble… I have learned my lesson for sure :)

Hope this video can be interesting for others pygmy keepers too!

That was probably the cutest thing I've seen in awhile lol!

His colors are spectacular!!
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