2 Pics of a customers cage setup..very cool!!


Avid Member
I sold a melamine cage to the asst. curator of the Herp. Dept. to the New Orleans Zoo a couple of months ago, and he planned on putting some rare Anolis Species in it.......
He just sent me the pics, and WOW!!! He did an awesome job on the set up!!!!


i work at the aquarium, and know the herp curator at the zoo. hes a cool guy, and knowledgeable. you will probably get alot of new business from other zoos and deff. from the New orleans zoo because they always change the setups.
Yea, he seems like a cool guy......really nice to talk to him on the phone.
Yea, not really doing cages now, but if business were to pick up, then I'd get back into it.......I'll do one every so often for repeats but thats it.
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