And we've got babies!!!!

Soooo much temptation!!! I have to stop looking at all your baby pics before I talk myself into buying a baby cham. They are soo beautiful!!!
Took a bunch of pics of the babies this weekend. Ill post more as i sort thru them but Check out this male!!!



Thx guys! They're all doing great. Getting big really fast. Trying to keep up they're supply of food is a chore In itself. :):):)
They are really growing. That one right above is looking awesome. You guys are doing a wonderful job with these little ones.
Wow! What a fun thread! We are just a couple of weeks into owning a pair of Jax and I'm already talking about spending my bay in September on a panther! Oh no! Haha! These little ones look great! I know how fun it is to have babies- we've hatched out leos ourselves!
thanks everyone! he's the alpha male of the clutch for sure. he's the biggest and most colorful so far but the others are catching up very quickly. he's really sweet even though he looks mean. he climbs on my fingers when i put them in the bin. :) they're almost 2 months old and i see a lot of red bodies and red bars in this clutch.

ALSO: i can't believe it but clutch #2 started sweating and piping over the weekend!!!! :eek::eek::eek: i'm going to have to double their food source!!! AAAAHHHH.....almost 60 babies at one time is crazy!!!!
Wow! What a fun thread! We are just a couple of weeks into owning a pair of Jax and I'm already talking about spending my bay in September on a panther! Oh no! Haha! These little ones look great! I know how fun it is to have babies- we've hatched out leos ourselves!
hmmm...i'll have to ask him how he feels about NH. LOL. all these babies are going to look spectacular. let the countdown begin...:D:D:D

Oh im sure he would love it up here. and yea the countdown began 2 months ago lol, just finally in the last third :) I dont want to see that empty cage anymore!!!
Oh im sure he would love it up here. and yea the countdown began 2 months ago lol, just finally in the last third :) I dont want to see that empty cage anymore!!!

LOL! i know how you feel. i'm excited for you to get your baby but i'll be so sad to see these guys and gals go.

BUT...clutch #2 will keep me bbuuussssyyyy. ;););)
LOL! i know how you feel. i'm excited for you to get your baby but i'll be so sad to see these guys and gals go.

BUT...clutch #2 will keep me bbuuussssyyyy. ;););)

Oh im sure they will. More little mouths to feed!!! but honestly who could get sick of those little guys. Is clutch #2 the same local? Who is the father?
Oh im sure they will. More little mouths to feed!!! but honestly who could get sick of those little guys. Is clutch #2 the same local? Who is the father?

yeah, i'm pretty fond of all these babies. :) clutch #2 is the same parents. it's going to be very interesting to see how each clutch will compare w/ one another.
yeah, i'm pretty fond of all these babies. :) clutch #2 is the same parents. it's going to be very interesting to see how each clutch will compare w/ one another.

Awsome, Congrats!! make sure you keep us updated with this clutch as you have with the first one!!
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