And we've got babies!!!!

For me that was the hardest part about having babies. I cried everytime I had to put one in the box and ship it.

Yeah. I have a feeling my wife's going to cry for every little baby that gets shipped. She's named all of the babies from the first clutch.

I'm going to blame my allergies when I send them out...
just any fyi to everyone since i've a lot of people ask. these babies are for sale and they will be ready in a few weeks. i haven't posted them in the classifieds since they're not ready to go their new homes yet. if you're interested, please send me a pm. thx!
Here are pics I took today of a few of them. The marks are 1/2 inch markers.




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here are some the boys growing up. they're big and showing lots of reds and blues. love these guys!


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everyone is looking great sang. My little Raule is doing great now that he is getting used to being alone. he lightened up quite a bit and i woke up to him shedding this morning. full blown body shed. and also you said he was finishing up a shed when you shipped him so that only a week between. hes growing like a weed and loves his little crickets. He likes the crickets better than the dubia but were gunna have to reverse that because im NOT breeding crickets!! haha
i am however going to build a huge enclosure for him and a little female this winter! Gotta keep the generations coming from the Noki crew.

Hope all is well.

keep up the fantastic work.:D
everyone is looking great sang. My little Raule is doing great now that he is getting used to being alone. he lightened up quite a bit and i woke up to him shedding this morning. full blown body shed. and also you said he was finishing up a shed when you shipped him so that only a week between. hes growing like a weed and loves his little crickets. He likes the crickets better than the dubia but were gunna have to reverse that because im NOT breeding crickets!! haha
i am however going to build a huge enclosure for him and a little female this winter! Gotta keep the generations coming from the Noki crew.

Hope all is well.

keep up the fantastic work.:D

thanks deven! that's fantastic news on raule. that's 2 sheds in 2 weeks. he's growing so fast!!! i don't know what raule is going to say about the switch to i can't wait to see pics of that enclosure. he's going to love it. :D
i should have the enclosure drawn up on the computor by the end of this week. So i will put up a little animated video of how it goes together so that if someone wants to do it themselves the have virtual instructions. Should be a good experience for everyone on here. I will also be making the building plans available in PDF format so people can print them out and use those too. :D

If you ever need something engineered, im ur guy. dont hesitate to ask cuz i love drawing 3D Parts!!
I haven't updated this thread in awhile but most of the first clutch of babies have gone to their new homes and new great owners. BUT....clutch 2 is doing great AND clutch 3 started hatching over the weekend!!! I'll post some pics of the these new babies soon. :):):)

P.S. I still have a few females left and I've LOWERED the price on them b/c clutch 3 started hatching and I need the cage space ASAP. I haven't been able update my ad in the classifieds section b/c I can only update it so often in a given amount of time. I'll update it as soon as I am able to but if you're interested in these females, please PM me.
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