Animal Hoarding?

Kind of a shame for now. I have got a greenhouse and only 3 chameleons due to going to UC Davis.

2 panthers
1 parsons.

I have got about 40 fish in my 360 gallon aquarium.

And if insects counted I would be absolutely considered a hoarder with at least a thousand roaches as well as a colonies couple other insect species.
0.0.1 Eurydactylodes agricolae
1.0.0 Betta splendens
0.1.0 Canis lupus familiaris
0.1.0 Felis catus

No chams...i think i'm on the wrong forum. :)
Ok, my turn.
-60 plus chams
-40 baby chams, wait, make that 41(one just hatched)
-65 bearded dragons
-11 corn snakes
-50+ baby corn snakes
-4 ball pythons
-3 red tail boas
-1 king snake
-2 leopard geckos
-4 crested geckos
-3 desert tortoises
-3 sulcata tortoises
-20 baby sulcata tortoises
-1 african plated lizard
-5 mantis
-1 cave spider
-1 scorpion
1 trantula
I had no idea what I was starting with this thread!
Couldn't ask for anything better than to be a part of a group of mental defects like you guys!;)
Yes very true. But At least all of us "mental defects" hang out in one common place. If it wasn't for the Forums, Who else would understand us.
animal hoarding

I think as long as you can care for them and yourselves,feed,medical and love and sanitary your fine.

I have 2 jackson chameleon(male/female) female may be gravid
5 cats(1 is my personal)others belong to other people in house
1 dog (not mine but i take care of her more then the owner does
2 lovebirds(male/female)peached faced which are mine

In total of previous pets i had

2 cats
2 birds
30 mice
3 neon fish
2 eels
1 algae eater
I aspire to be as mentally defective as you, Chuck. I only have:
1 ambilobe
1 ball python
1 arizona mountain kingsnake
30 african cichlids in my 72 gallon aquarium.

Is taking care of those a full time job? What happens if you leave town and need a pet sitter?
As of now
1.0 veiled chameleon
0.3 leopard geckos
2.2.5 crested geckos
0.1 amazon basin yellow foot tortoise
0.1 leopard tortoise
0.1 Sri Lakan star tortoise
1.0 parakeek
1.0 cockateil
1.0 eclectus

Had at one time
2.1 oustaleti
5.2 panthers
1.0 melleri
2.2 veileds
7.5 parsoni
2.1 cuban rock iguanas
1.1 caymenensis
1.0 c nubila lewisi
2.3 radiated tortoised
0.5 galapagos tortoises
2.4 leopard tortoises
0.0.40 leopard tortoises
2.0 sulcatas
0.2 redfoot tortoises
2.2 greeks
2.2 marginata
2.2 russian tortoises
0.2 pancakes
2.7 paredora pictus geckos
7.20 bearded dragons
2.2 frilled lizards
2.5 dumpy frogs

sold all years ago facing a possible move to snow country. Wound up not moving. I miss the radiateds and the Cuban rock the most.

Wow :eek:

When I found this thread, I was just feeling guilty because I just aquired two chameleons in 30 days and I am considering a carpet cham, bearded, and my husband is getting a rainbow boa.


2 chameleons
1 pit mix

Ryan: What in the world is a gargoyle? I mean, besides the statue kind.

Gargoyle gecko:p
everyone says im a hoarder even though my tanks are all nice and clean and so is my house so i dnt look at myself as a hoarder!!!!

7 Adult Bearded Dragons and 65 Babies
5 Veiled Chameleons
1 Pitbull
255 gallon saltwater reef tank
75 gallon brackish cichlid tank
3 kids lol :eek:
I'd just like to thank all of you!!:D
All I had to do was show this thread to my girlfriend and she now thinks "the few" we have "isn't that bad".

Maybe I can convince her I'm Prince Charming by letting her watch 10 minutes of Jerry Springer!!;):D
Ryan, I thought I was out of room in my condo with only the 6 chams I have and the 1 eng bulldog. You my friend are the king of organization. Or you sleep on the floor. lol
how do you keep all those chameleons? :O here is my list:

3 dachshunds
1 german shephard/doberman mix
3 red-ear sliders
1 painted turtle
2 hamsters
2 clown fish
1 mandarine fish
2 tetras
7 caterpillars
1 praying mantis
and soon to have 1 veiled chameleon
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