Another tragic pet shop story...

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So my local Petsmart has had two vields for a while now, and I look to see if anyone has brought one home when I get crickets. Today as I was walking by, I saw the slightly larger one biting and lunging at the other one who was shedding. I told a worker there what he was doing and if they aren't separated at least the second one will die. It seems like she didn't care and probably ignored it. I wish I was made of money, I would have taken one home...
There is a solution for this, it includes being crafty and a baseball bat. If you aren't crafty you have to be able to run very quickly...
:(...Thats life.....

not to be a downer, but it happens....however in a bright side....if there is cruelty in the world...there shall also be compassion and love,,,becasue we cant experience one without the life everything balances out:)

just as there are careless petowners...\\

i believe there is a equal amount of caring ones...
There is a solution for this, it includes being crafty and a baseball bat. If you aren't crafty you have to be able to run very quickly... never cease to make me laugh......and i find that a rather precious gift for anyone to give to another person.......:D:p:cool:
hahahahs lol...your crazy:eek:
My crazy? WHERE?! Here I was thinking the voices were only coming from the loud speakers at supermarkets.

Back on subject, though, the best thing you can do is try to confront the person in charge of the reptile department.
If that doesn't work, tell them you aren't very happy and you may consider using another store until the treatment is better.

Good luck.
About six years ago I witness the same situation at Petsmart, where they had four Jackson X. in a small glass display and the termostat read at about 100F. I bought one of them, our first chameleon, and subsecuent visits -to get feeders- we found out that one by one they had died. I brought the living conditions of the animals to the girls at the desk to little response...
It's so weird reading these stories when I work at a PetSmart and our staff care :(

I would suggest asking to speak with the Pet Care manager. They are expected to at least take your thoughts into consideration.
It's so weird reading these stories when I work at a PetSmart and our staff care :(

I would suggest asking to speak with the Pet Care manager. They are expected to at least take your thoughts into consideration.

As I posted before, I did talk to the floor manager just to see a momentarily response...
As I posted before, I did talk to the floor manager just to see a momentarily response...

Not all stores are the same... : /

There are multiple managers. Try someone else next time you're in there, maybe. It may be that the person you spoke with felt there was nothing any employee could do, and unfortunately that might be true.

Edit: I said they're "expected to" take your thoughts into consideration, not they "will"... I know that isn't any consolation, but all you can do is be civil and keep trying.
Not all stores are the same... : /

There are multiple managers. Try someone else next time you're in there, maybe. It may be that the person you spoke with felt there was nothing any employee could do, and unfortunately that might be true.

You are right, I would like to think the girls working here now take better care of the animals...
I may say something else. Hopefully the girl I usually talk with who seems to be familiar, or at least interested in the research I've done. If I don't feel like I get a different response I'll ask for a manager. I used to be in retail and don't want to be "that" guy lol. But I won't waste time...

It actually aggravates me. When I was younger, around 11 years old, I bought a jackson's chameleon with money I saved from birthdays or something. Anyways, she was also gravid, told us this, and being young I just thought it would be cool to have little chameleons to play with. My parents didn't do research and took PetsMart's advice (which we all no is a no-no), and unfortunately died. She also had 14 babies which passed, we had it too hot and didnt know any better. I forget what urged me to get one 10 years later, but I did. Though this time I did a lot of research, thanks to these forums! I feel 100% I have the best environment, supplementation, auto misting and lights etc. I realized we were doing nearly everything wrong. Know Reptar seems to be in much better condition...
My stand on this: don't support them with your business. You're only adding to the problem if you keep buying from them. Don't support the killing of innocent animals. They are not disposable!
My stand on this: don't support them with your business. You're only adding to the problem if you keep buying from them. Don't support the killing of innocent animals. They are not disposable!

not buying things from them isnt going to change if they order more or not...

im going to say something, plus when you live in BFE, you cant exactly be picky on where you can buy worms...
I like the baseball bat solution. or just speak softly, but carry a big stick. what i cant stand is when i went to a petstore at a mall nearby the HPU campus and they were keeping loads of jackson's chams in one enclosure and there was a lot of lunging at eachother in there. also a very stressed and pregnant female. i wanted to get it outta that situation, but im a starving college student and cant afford to get another cage. i guess i could make one.. hmm
My stand on this: don't support them with your business. You're only adding to the problem if you keep buying from them. Don't support the killing of innocent animals. They are not disposable!
You keep saying they kill animals, but do they do it on purpose? Send a few links with proof of what you are saying, please...

By the by, a small community isn't going to do a lot, unfortunately. Sure, we can stop buying, but there aren't many places to get other things such as dog and cat supplies at a good price... *sigh* :(

not buying things from them isnt going to change if they order more or not...

im going to say something, plus when you live in BFE, you cant exactly be picky on where you can buy worms...

Exactly, BFE doesn't always have the best reptile places, if any you know! :rolleyes:... but in all seriousness, this is my situation. I either spend the money and time to travel 20-30mins (more in traffic!) to go support a halfway-decent business, or just suck it up and buy from a local store, keeping jobs for the people who work there.. Eh. Plus, I asked an employee once if they would stop ordering pet supplies if no one bought them... they said if they don't sell it they send it back, they have enough room in the store to stock things that don't sell, and the fact they do sell one item here or there makes up for everything. It's hard to explain everything they said in a short summary.

There is a solution for this, it includes being crafty and a baseball bat. If you aren't crafty you have to be able to run very quickly...

LOL! too bad such stuff goes not though, its sad and irritating!
Uneducated & don't typically care!

The problem is in these situations the staff are simply not properly educated which is very sad... what's sadder is when someone points it out to them and they blow it off because they have no true interest in learning the proper care they were ignorant about before... but now that it has been brought to their attention and been ignored there is true ignorance in a different sense!
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