I love evillost new free range and Im very interested in that one. However Im also finding others... I think evillost puts alot more into his cages. But for a very reasonable someone else sent me a video and hes been chatting with me. Its a colaspable cage he makes any kind of cage custom you want but thought this was different probably more for snakes etc. But he also builds reptile cages chameleon etc reasonable. I forgot to ad that in the bottom of cage is drain under java wood tree.. it drains into bucket in cabinent. There is also a supply bucket with heater in it to the misting system. The canopy is extra high to contain deep dome if you use it. The total size of cage is 72 x 36 x 24. The cage is 43x24x36. Its also has a different better quality screen with larger spaces.. my mellers does not seem to catch his feet at all.
see this link
I bought my chameleon cage from him and very happy .. he works very hard at what he does.
see this link
I bought my chameleon cage from him and very happy .. he works very hard at what he does.