Axolotls! I needs them!

Sent you a long winded pm on axolotls and forgot to mention I second the keeping them cold water they will get stressed and die if to warm. and here's a pic of miss puddles from when we first got here she loves her pot :)


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Yes I've definitely seen the cold water necessity everywhere. Living in Colorado in a few months instead of Texas will help with that! Do you guys use filters! I've heard sponge filters are an easy good addition. Good idea on the black sand! I definitely want a leucistic!
they are pretty easy to care for. i personally use 5 stage r/o with a gravel bottom (some will ingest small rocks). I usually let the water sit for 5-7 days with a little eco start. You can use a sponge filter or hang on. In 20 gallon aquariums, i have had multiples adults together and have observed fighting. So i dont recommend putting any mates in unless you have a large tank and lots of foliage and cave type structures. I fed mine blood worms, crickets, earth worms, krill, gammarus, salamander food and so on. I always recommend over doing the size of tank and filtration. Doing both of these will mean less work for you in the end.

one really neat thing i found out about them. If they become impacted from gravel...put them into the fridge for a few days. Its crazy, somehow this allows them pass the rocks.
How do you plan on gettng the water cold enough? I have been wanting to get these for years but can't get the temps down low enough - I live in TEXAS.
I would catch mud puppies or water dogs all the time in the creeks in WV. Pretty similar but Im not sure it the Axolotls are as nasty as the mud puppies. Regardless they are very cool looking. Ive been wanting to get into some crested newts eventually.

If looking for CB or anything else I would recommend Michael Shrom from PA. Ive heard nothing but good things about him and I get a species list in my email every few months. If you want his email shoot me a PM.
How do you plan on gettng the water cold enough? I have been wanting to get these for years but can't get the temps down low enough - I live in TEXAS.

I know what you mean! Rotating ice packs/frozen water bottles are a cheap solution from what I've heard. I plean on LEAVING Texas to get cold water. ;) Moving in a few months!
I currently have 2 mudpuppies and 4 adult axolotls. The Axolotls are so cool.
What color morph are you looking to get? There were some in the Denver Craigslist a few months back... Once you make the move, you will not have issues with getting what you want. There are a few states that don't allow them but the laws are confusing.
Best get them before they go extinct

I have heard that many of their species are being placed on endangered lists because the water quality is becoming worse and worse where they live:(
I had two when I was younger and they lived for a good long time in a simple aquarium. I'm sure you can get super fancy but we just had then in an aquarium with some bigger rocks at the bottom and a few plants. They seemed very content and gobbled up their worms with vigor! I wish I had pictures of them. They were really fun to have.
Finally pulled the trigger on this one! Got my aquarium and am currently getting it all set up and ready for lotls! Setting up an aquarium is a pain in the gluteus maximus...stupid sand. Once the tank cycles for a few weeks I know someone locally who has them so I can get them as soon as the tank is ready! :)
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Finally pulled the trigger on this one! Got my aquarium and am currently getting it all set up and ready for lotls! Setting up an aquarium is a pain in the gluteus maximus...stupid sand. One the tank cycles for a few weeks I know someone locally who has them so I can get them as soon as the tank is ready! :)

Awesome :) can't wait to see pics :). They had a few at this last lone star reptile EXPO but I passed because they were asking way to much for them .....
I was just waiting on a good tank and stand on Craigslist so I didn't have to spend like four times as much on a new setup from a pet store. Now I have to make sure the tank stays cool enough where it is. Haven't decided if I'm getting one or two yet...leaning towards one right now. But they're only like 3 inches long right now!! It's going to be so tiny in my 30 gallon tank!
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