New Member
Ok, so I just started a thread about Senegal hatchling care, if anyone had any extra tips that would contribute to their longevity (thank you Kinyonga), now I went out to my Rudis (sternfeldi) cage and there were 3 babies crawling up the screen. I heard one drop right when I got there and he was out of his sac in like 10 seconds, not even kidding. These guys are strong and feisty (thankfully). So, I have babies coming out of my ears right now (I also just found 12 baby chicks at my parents house because the hen abandoned them which is rare). Anyway, anyone have any tips or tricks up their sleeves as to how to prevent their demise, as has been said is very common with this species? I am basically just sticking with basic Senegal and hatchling husbandry as well as neonatal husbandry for the sternfeldi. ANY other suggestions from people who have bred both of these vastly different species would be greatly appreciated, or if you have read or been told anything interesting or different to standard care for each. Thanks!